
Trine are the youngest of the Skeleton races, it's unknown if they are named after being the third model or for their three or more eyes. It's generally believed that in the time of the Ancients Trine served more menial tasks such as factory work or surveilance. While they have no memory of this time themselves Trine still have an aptitude for spotting discrepancies as well as dexterity of the hand.

Physical Description
Trine, like their other Skeleton counterparts, come in a wide range of shapes and sizes with their main defining feature being the often large three eyes on their head. Many Trine feel the need to have more eyes installed but are generally speaking the least modified of the Skeleton sub races.
Trines don't tend to stray from what they are used to and many take tradition very seriously, even respecting traditions that are not their own. This can make them trustworthy and steadfast in pursuing their goals if not also easily fooled. This is reflected in the large number of Trine that have slipped into The Madness making them the least common Skeleton subrace.
"I have seen! I have seen-SAW! Too much... Too much I have seen..."
— Wandering Trine
Nearly all Trine are followers of The Church of Stobe but some are also known to follow Manumit and Code of Kral beliefs. Some skeletons are extrememly zealous seeing the teachings of The Church of Stobe as indisputed programing of life itself.
Trine, like many other Skeletons, forget their own name every hundred years or so and many go by no name at all. Skeletons that do possess names are usually given those names by companions or passerbys, things like Sparky or Tin Can.


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