Adan'f Species in Kermoria | World Anvil
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A once proud people, many tribes of lizardfolk were twisted and corrupted by the foul necromantic magics of the Usurper, Lyras and, over generations, have become the barbaric creatures now known as the Adan'f.  Slowly devolving from a sentient, capable race, they have become slaves to their primal, ferocious instincts and lost what shreds of civilization they once held.

Basic Information


As they devolved from their former, more civilized cousins the Lizardfolk, Adan'f physiology took a drastic and twisted turn; many of their claws, already formidable, began to grow in size and form over generations of spawnings, leading to the wicked instruments found on Adan'f today.  Some even possess wickedly barbed tail spikes, further separating themselves as a species, albeit a barbaric one, from their cousins.

Genetics and Reproduction

There is significant evidence of multiple generations of Adan'f existing and evolving over time, but so far no one has determined exactly how those generations come to be.  It is assumed, based on their ancestry, that they, too, utilize spawning pools much like Lizardfolk; however, as none have been discovered, this is only, currently, a theory.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Though the Hex'oatl Empire stretched thousands of miles at it's height, the Curse of Lyras seems to have only affected those lizardfolk residing in and around the Whistling Wood .  Over the years, the majority of the Adan'f living outside the wood have been hunted to extinction, but they still thrive within the confines of their boreal home.

Average Intelligence

Primal instincts and barbarism are all an Adan'f knows; they are barely capable of anything resembling speech.  They are capable of using and maintaining rudimentary weapons, and still tend to clothe themselves, though this is thought to be to ward off cold moreso than any sort of modesty amongst them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though all lizardfolk possess a keen sense of smell and acute vision, even in the dark, the Adan'f have taken this to a farther level; many researchers and explorers tell tales of being hunted by smell alone, even through the dense forests of the Whistling Wood .  Leading theories indicate that, much like pit vipers, Adan'f warriors can sense the body heat of other creatures, making tracking, especially during the long winter months, exceptionally easier.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Old age is unknown amongst the Adan'f, due to their barbaric lifestyle. Following their lizardfolk cousins, it is assumed they (could) live around sixty years.
Geographic Distribution
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