Whistling Wood Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Whistling Wood

Deep, dark, and dangerous, the Whistling Wood is home to some of the most ferocious 'beasts' in all of Kermoria, the Adan'f , a subspecies of feral, barbaric lizardfolk cursed by Lyras herself before her death.


Located far south of the city of Shard , the Whistling Wood is, arguably, the oldest known home of any non-nomadic peoples, as the Hex'oatl Empire laid claim to those lands long before the Draconic Age and the rise of the Tyrant, Teraptus .

Scattered among it's ancient trees and dense canopies are a number of temples and relics rising high into the sky, each a testament to their gods and their supposed divine right to rule.

The deep forest gives way to ancient pathways connecting multiple villages and temple structures, a sort of super highway for warriors, merchants, and messengers of the Hex'oatl Empire to travel through the dense growth of an otherwise primordial forest.

Elsewhere, to the extreme southwest within the Whistling Wood, there exists a number of volcanic hot springs and sulphur flats, offering respite from the often bone-chilling mid-winter temperatures of the surrounding area.  Near these hot springs, a network of caves are known to exist, though are relatively unexplored as the local denizens tend to guard them ferociously.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Whistling Wood exists in a taiga; a deep, boreal forest that is lush and green for much of the year, but is completely frozen and covered in a thick blanket of snow in the deep winter months.  Winter lasts approximately six months from first snowfall to the beginnings of the melt, with the other seasons, such as they are, lasting the other six.  Sub-zero temperatures are the norm for the majority of the winter, but midsummer temperatures often reach as high as sixty degrees.


Merchants occasionally pass through the Whistling Wood on their way to or from the Pridelands, as well as historians studying the fallen empires of the lizard peoples. Due to the dangers of the surrounding areas, and the constant threat of barbarism from the Adan'f within the wood, travelers are often heavily armed and on high alert for danger.

However, a small hill overlooking much of the Whistling Wood is the site of the death of Lyras and the end of the Lyras War , at the hands of Lanival the Redeemer ; despite the dangers, hundreds of people visit this site each year.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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