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Angronar's Gate

The great gate of Karak Angkor is known as the "Angronar's Gate," a name derived from the ancient dwarven word for "Guardian of Stone." The Angronar's Gate stands as the monumental entrance to the grand dwarfhold, with colossal stone doors adorned with intricate engravings depicting epic battles and legendary dwarven heroes. Crafted with the finest craftsmanship and reinforced with layers of magically infused metal, the gate represents the unwavering protection and unyielding resilience of Karak Angkor.

As visitors approach the Angronar's Gate, they are greeted by the awe-inspiring sight of towering statues of dwarven warriors, their mighty axes raised in eternal vigilance. It is said that the gate is imbued with ancient enchantments, responding only to the touch of a true descendant of the Ironfist clan, allowing them passage into the heart of the mountain stronghold. The name "Angronar's Gate" echoes through the halls of Karak Angkor, a reminder of the dwarven legacy and the unbreakable defense that has safeguarded the dwarven realm for centuries.

Purpose / Function

Angronar's Gate, located at the edge of the towering mountain known as the Greater Fist, serves as the primary gateway connecting the subterranean realm of Karak Angkor to the world above. Carved into the solid rock of the mountain, this monumental gate is a testament to the engineering prowess and craftsmanship of the dwarven people. The purpose of Angronar's Gate is twofold. Firstly, it provides a fortified entrance through which the denizens of Karak Angkor can access the surface, allowing for trade, communication, and the exploration of the surrounding lands. The gate's imposing structure and intricate defenses ensure the security of the dwarfhold by controlling access to and from the surface. It acts as a symbolic threshold between the hidden realm of the dwarves and the outside world.

  Secondly, Angronar's Gate serves as a protective barrier against potential threats from the surface. The mountainous terrain and the strategic positioning of the gate offer a strategic advantage, allowing the dwarves to maintain a defensive stronghold. The gate is equipped with formidable defenses, including massive portcullises, sturdy iron grates, and mechanisms designed to withstand sieges and repel invaders. Its construction incorporates the ancient runic arts, infusing the gate with protective enchantments and reinforcing its resilience against magical assaults.

  Angronar's Gate is not only a physical barrier but also a symbolic representation of the dwarves' determination to safeguard their ancestral home. It stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Ironfist clan and their commitment to preserving the sanctity of Karak Angkor.


Angronar's Gate showcases an awe-inspiring architectural marvel, blending the artistry of the dwarves with the natural grandeur of the Greater Fist mountain. The gate is an imposing structure, hewn directly from the rugged rock face of the mountain itself.

The gate is designed in a distinct dwarven style, characterized by its sturdy and robust construction. The architecture combines elements of both function and aesthetics, showcasing the dwarves' mastery of stonecraft. The gate consists of colossal stone blocks intricately carved and fitted together, forming an imposing façade that exudes strength and resilience.

Elaborate dwarven motifs adorn the surface of the gate, featuring intricate reliefs depicting scenes from dwarven mythology, historical events, and the glory of the Ironfist clan. Runes, symbols of power and protection, are etched into the stone, weaving a network of ancient magic throughout the structure.

Towering battlements flank the gate, offering vantage points for guards to survey the surrounding lands. The battlements are fortified with stout parapets and defensive structures, equipped with arrow slits and murder holes for repelling potential invaders. Gargoyles and ornate statues of dwarven heroes stand sentinel on the ramparts, their stone gazes ever watchful.

At the center of the gate, massive iron doors, reinforced with enchantments and metalwork, serve as the primary barrier between Karak Angkor and the outside world. These doors are adorned with intricate patterns, hammered and embossed by skilled dwarven smiths. Pulleys, gears, and chains interlace the gate, allowing for its smooth operation and the raising and lowering of the formidable portcullises.

Overall, Angronar's Gate stands as a testament to the dwarves' architectural prowess, blending practicality, defensive strength, and artistic beauty into a singular and imposing structure that guards the entrance to Karak Angkor.


Angronar's Gate boasts formidable defenses, designed to safeguard the entrance to Karak Angkor with layers of protection. The dwarves have employed their engineering ingenuity to create a series of defensive mechanisms and fortifications to repel any potential threats.

The gate is flanked by towering stone walls that extend outward, forming a protective enclosure around the entrance. These walls are adorned with battlements, crenellations, and defensive structures, providing elevated positions for archers, crossbowmen, and other defenders to rain down projectiles upon intruders.

Strategically placed arrow slits and murder holes dot the walls, allowing defenders to fire upon enemies while remaining well-protected. The dwarves have also incorporated hidden compartments within the walls, concealing reserves of ammunition and supplies to ensure a sustained defense during prolonged sieges.

To further reinforce the defenses, the gate is equipped with sturdy portcullises made of reinforced iron, capable of being raised or lowered to control access. These massive barriers are operated through a system of gears and pulleys, requiring tremendous strength to breach. The portcullises are complemented by heavy iron doors, expertly crafted and enchanted to withstand battering and resist magical assaults.

Guarding the gate are skilled dwarven warriors, clad in sturdy armor and armed with an array of formidable weapons. Trained in disciplined formations and utilizing the natural chokepoints and bottlenecks created by the gate's architecture, these defenders are prepared to hold their ground and repel any invader with stalwart resolve.

The defenses of Angronar's Gate are further augmented by intricate dwarven traps and mechanisms hidden throughout the surrounding terrain. These include concealed spike pits, collapsing tunnels, and cunningly designed sally ports that allow defenders to launch surprise counterattacks against besieging forces.

Collectively, these defenses create a formidable barrier, ensuring that only those deemed worthy or granted permission by the dwarves may pass through the imposing Angronar's Gate and enter the hallowed halls of Karak Angkor.
"The might of Angronar's Gate stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of our people. It is not merely a passage between realms, but a symbol of our unwavering determination to protect our ancestral home. Crafted with the skill of our finest artisans and fortified with the strength of our most resilient metals, this gate embodies the resilience and defiance of the dwarven race. It is an impregnable bulwark against the forces that seek to challenge our dominion. From its towering walls to the intricate mechanisms that guard its threshold, Angronar's Gate stands as a guardian, a sentinel of our heritage. It reminds us that Karak Angkor is more than stone and halls; it is the heart of our people, pulsating with the fiery spirit that has sustained us for generations. As High King, I draw strength from the unyielding presence of this gate, knowing that it protects our realm and preserves our traditions. Let it serve as a warning to all who dare to defy us and a symbol of hope and unity for our kin. Through this gate, we emerge as defenders of our legacy, unshaken by adversity, and resolute in our purpose to forge a future that honors our glorious past." - High King Beruset Ironfist
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