Cult of the Destroyers Organization in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Cult of the Destroyers

To a Dwarf, honor is everything.  To those that have stained their honor, or shamed their families, and seek redemption there is, in the eyes of the old gods, only one path; The path of the Destroyer.


When a Dwarf has shamed themselves or their family, they often seek redemption and atonement in the eyes of their Thane or the High Chieftain of the Dwarfhold.  If this absolution can not be attained, there is only one other choice; to walk the lonely path of the Destroyer.

A dwarf will find a sacred shrine to the Old Gods, located amongst many of The Great Dwarfholds, as well as Kharhadrim and Stoneclan.  There, they will prostrate themselves before the shrine, confess to their sins, and utter the sacred, unbreakable oath of the Destroyer.

Should their prayers be heard, they will rise from their place changed; no longer burdened with the cares of the world, they have one, singular purpose: to drive away the darkness, the monsters of the world, until they find a foe who will slay them in battle, and, thus, free them of their shame.

Public Agenda

It is the sacred oath of the Destroyer to slay enemies of the world; greenskins, trolls, demons, daemons [sic] of the ancient world, the undead, and the greatest enemy of the world, dragons.  To that end, if a town, village, or city is plagued by these things, a Destroyer is often a welcome sight, striding into town intent on slaying the beast(s) in question.

Their methods are brutal, their tactics suicidal, and their justice is absolute.  They will kill the creature, or die trying.


The Cult of the Destroyers is steeped in tradition, dating back thousands of years, well past The Old World.  Long before The Thirteen, the Dwarven Pantheon of Gods existed.  There, the first Destroyer was born.  Shrines were erected in every hold, where warriors could dedicate themselves to his service.  And in Karak Angkor, the greatest shrine was erected, a monumental statue to the Destroyer God.

Over the years, as the world became more and more civilized, less and less Destroyers roamed, intent on their own deaths.  In fact, many believe that the cult had finally died out, though there are always rumors of a few, here and there, practicing the old ways.

At both Greenskin sieges of Rivercrossing, Dwarves were sighted wading into the fray, most of whom unarmored, singing a tune about their own demise; none of them survived, but where they fell, so, too, did dozens of Greenskins; their shame was finally taken from them, and they died honorably in glorious battle.

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith followed by the devoted disciples of the Destroyers, formidable warriors bound by their unyielding commitment to redemption and martial prowess, are deeply ingrained in the rich tapestry of Kermoria's ancient history and the unwritten tales of the Dwarven folk. Within the confines of their unique mythos and cultural beliefs, the following principles form the cornerstone of a Destroyer's faith:

Oath of Atonement: The Destroyer swears a solemn oath to seek redemption for perceived transgressions or personal failings. They carry the weight of their past burdens, fueling their unwavering dedication to their cause and driving them forward on the path of penance.

  Embrace of the Forge: The Destroyer embraces the forge of life and death, recognizing the cyclical nature of existence. They cast aside fear and embrace the inherent risks in their chosen path, finding solace in the knowledge that death may bring both redemption and an honorable legacy.

  Mastery through the Crucible: The Destroyer relentlessly pursues mastery in the art of combat, pushing their physical and mental limits to attain unmatched skill. They view each battle as a crucible for personal growth, a testing ground to forge themselves into exceptional warriors and champions of their cause.

  Unyielding Resolve: The Destroyer possesses an indomitable resolve in the face of adversity, unwavering in their commitment to their purpose. They endure the harshest trials, embodying the steadfastness of their mountainous ancestors and becoming a beacon of inspiration to their comrades.

  Fraternity of the Anvil: The Destroyer finds strength in the bonds of their fellow warriors, forming an unbreakable brotherhood/sisterhood rooted in shared purpose and mutual support. They rely on their comrades for guidance, unity, and strength in their tireless pursuit of glory.

Acceptance of the Tapestry: The Destroyer embraces their destined role with humility, acknowledging the intricate tapestry of fate woven by the ancients. They face each challenge without hesitation, trusting that their path is intertwined with the greater narrative and that their actions serve a greater purpose.

Reverence for Ancestral Spirits: The Destroyer venerates their ancestors, paying homage to their wisdom, valor, and sacrifices. They seek guidance and draw strength from the spirits of their forebears, believing that their ancestral presence guides and protects them throughout their perilous journey.

Vigilant Guardianship: The Destroyer maintains unwavering vigilance, ever watchful for threats to the innocent and the encroachment of darkness. They stand as stalwart protectors of the weak, dedicating themselves to defending those unable to defend themselves. Their watchful presence symbolizes their role as noble guardians.

Fiery Passion: The Destroyer embodies an intense passion for life and the fervor of battle. They channel their emotions into their combat prowess, their fiery spirits burning brightly with every swing of their weapon. Their passion fuels their relentless pursuit of glory and infuses their actions with unparalleled determination.

Defiance against Despair: The Destroyer defies despair, refusing to surrender to hopelessness or succumb to the shadows. They face the darkest of days with unwavering optimism, finding solace in the heat of battle and the thrill of combat. Their defiance becomes a beacon of hope, inspiring others in times of adversity.

These sacred tenets encapsulate the essence of a Destroyer's faith, shaping their actions, worldview, and unyielding commitment to redemption, mastery, and honorable combat. Rooted in the rich mythology and cultural heritage of Kermoria's Dwarven kin, the Destroyers embody the true spirit of their order and serve as a testament to the enduring strength of the Dwarven peoples.


Within the realm of the pseudo-religion followed by the Destroyers, there exist several factions and sects that offer unique interpretations and variations of the main dogma. While all adherents share a common dedication to redemption and martial prowess, these factions emphasize different aspects or approaches to fulfill their sacred duty. The mainstream faith views these factions with a mix of respect, curiosity, and occasionally skepticism, recognizing their individual perspectives while upholding the core tenets of the faith.

The Order of Iron Resolve: This faction places a strong emphasis on discipline, unwavering resolve, and stoic endurance. They follow a rigorous training regimen, prioritizing physical and mental fortitude as a means of achieving redemption. The Order is characterized by their strict adherence to traditions and rituals, and they are highly respected within the mainstream faith for their unyielding commitment to their oaths.

The Furyforged: The Furyforged are an intense and passionate sect within the faith. They channel their inner fire into their combat techniques, embracing the primal aspects of battle. Known for their zealous fervor and explosive fighting style, the Furyforged are seen as fierce and formidable warriors, sometimes even seen as bordering on recklessness. While their passion can be viewed with caution by the mainstream faith, their unwavering dedication to the cause is undeniable.

The Seekers of Inner Balance: This faction focuses on the spiritual and meditative aspects of the Destroyer's path. They seek harmony between mind, body, and soul, employing practices of introspection and self-reflection. The Seekers are characterized by their calm demeanor, striving for inner peace amidst the chaos of battle. While their approach may be seen as unconventional by some, they are respected for their wisdom and ability to find serenity in the midst of conflict.

The Wardens of Nature's Fury: This sect is deeply connected to the natural world and draws inspiration from the elemental forces. They revere the power of nature and seek to harness its fury in battle. The Wardens exhibit a close affinity with the earth, fire, wind, and water, often incorporating elemental rituals and nature-based combat techniques. Their unique perspective on the Destroyer's path, emphasizing harmony with the natural world, is met with a mixture of admiration and curiosity by the mainstream faith.

The Redeemed Revenants: This faction focuses on the redemption and salvation of fallen warriors. They believe in the power of second chances and view fallen comrades as potential allies in their quest for atonement. The Redeemed Revenants seek to bring the fallen back into the fold, offering them the opportunity to find redemption through unwavering loyalty and acts of valor. While their compassionate approach may be seen as controversial by some, the mainstream faith recognizes their commitment to the fundamental principle of redemption.

These factions within the Destroyer pseudo-religion provide diverse interpretations and perspectives on the main dogma, enriching the faith with their unique characteristics. While they may differ in their emphasis and approach, they are ultimately united by their shared dedication to redemption, martial prowess, and the pursuit of honorable combat. The mainstream faith appreciates the contributions and distinctiveness of these factions, recognizing that they all contribute to the overall tapestry of the Destroyer's faith.

"I am a Dwarf! My honor is my life and without it I am nothing. I shall become a Destroyer. I shall seek redemption in the eyes of my ancestors. I shall become as death to my enemies, until I face he that takes my life and, with it, my shame."

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