Dreamseeker Amphitheater Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Dreamseeker Amphitheater

Serving as the largest amphitheater and gladiatorial arena in Therengia, Dreamseeker Amphitheatre caters more to the masses than to the wealthy and elite; depending on the show or event, a ticket may cost as little as 30 copper pieces!  In fact, the recently announced, 4-day gladiatorial games in Riverhaven are billed at only a single gold kronar for the four day event, which includes on flagon of ale and a lunch meal served each day!

Purpose / Function

Dreamseeker was built with the purpose of providing entertainment to the drabble and the rabble of the city, providing what has become known as 'bread and circuses' to the masses.  It provides a place for gladiatorial games, various plays and performances, bards and musicians to perform, and, on occasion, the public execution of particularly heinous criminals.


Throughout any given year, thousands of tourists will travel from all areas of Therengia (and many from northern Zoluren) to view performances and competitions; whereas gladiatorial combat in Zoluren is typically limited to first blood, the Therengian laws allow for death in the arena and, on occasion, permanent death.  This type of blood sport, brutal as it may be, is an important part of Riverhaven's culture, providing much-needed entertainment for an otherwise often dull and industrious city.
Founding Date
Parent Location


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