Kingston Brothers Distillery Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Kingston Brothers Distillery

Featuring a ridiculous menu, over-the-top charismatic owners, lusty barmaids, and a penchant for pancakes, the Kingston Brothers Distillery has become a staple of the Riverhaven dive-crowd since it's opening in 202.

Purpose / Function

The original building was designed to be a simple distillery, but, after it's owner's death mid-construction and subsequent sale to Xavier Kingston and his brother Ettore, it's purpose evolved. And changed. And evolved. And was modified. And evolved again. Until the building and it's grounds now serve as a distillery, taphouse, breakfast bar, inn, tavern, gym, and not-so-secret underground wrestling and bare-knuckle boxing arena. And don't forget the outbuilding housing a multitude of contraptions used by Ettore Kingston as tools to stay in ridiculously good athletic shape, from climbing walls to a jungle gym and even a series of weighted rocks for lifting.


It seems like every day, something new, and something ridiculous, is being added or modified to the building and it's grounds.  In early 221, the entire pathway leading from the distillery to the taphouse was ripped out and replaced with stepping stones of sandstone; each one carved and shaped and dyed to appear as if they were a pancake fresh from the griddle.

The iron fence which once enclosed the property was replaced in 219; the retaining poles remained, but the fence itself was replaced by a series of flexible sinew ropes, a series of 3 of them, so Ettore could 'sling himself' around the property.


The entire complex has become a popular attraction for both tourists and locals alike; with a unique menu of impossible-to-acquire ingredients, an even more unique atmosphere, and all the scantily-clad young ladies one could hope for, it has a little something for everyone.  

Regular folks who enjoy fitness often spend time with Ettore in his makeshift gym, jumping and climbing and swimming; fighters and wrestlers are sometimes booked months in advance for a chance to win a make-shift golden belt symbolizing their victory in the fighting pit, often through ridiculous antics and high-flying acrobatic takedowns.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Kingston's, Pancake Central, The Taphouse
Brewery / Winery
Parent Location
Characters in Location

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