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Hankō (Han-Koh)

The lowest form of official titling within the Deep Gnome society, a Hankō is the ruler of several small towns and villages in close proximity; similar to province in the surface world, their overall holdings are known as a 'Han'.


The Hankō is responsible not only for the defense of his holdings, but also the military readiness of the Gnomes below him; every able bodied adult is expected to defend their homes, and the entirety Han, from any threat.  The Hankō is expected to adhere to the strict codes of Hagakure in all things, including the governance of their holdings, trade agreements and rights, as well as in warfare with other denizens of The Underdark.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Hankō can be dismissed by the Taishō, however, it rarely occurs.  Typically, a Hankō is only replaced upon their death, which, most frequently, is in battle.  It is a hereditary title, passed to the eldest regardless of gender; in the event the slain Hankō has no surviving children, the Han is typically broken apart into other Hankō's holdings, or a new Hankō is chosen from the Han by the Taishō.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Leige, Leige-lord
Reports directly to
Related Locations


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