
Historical Overview

  Haven is the starting settlement, founded 50 years ago as peoples slowly came together on the local river for Water supply and food sources.   As the settlement slowly grew the little money that was carried by the founders was used as currency in conjunction with bartering. As such, Coper is heavenly prominent as the primary source of money when offsetting batter efforts.   The town itself has had some growing troubles as children begin to be born, food supplies need to be shored up, and most of the lands have not been fully explored. That and occasionally someone will stumble out of the woods from another dimension.  


Between the Giant's Arms mountain range, Haven sits along the three rivers that pour down from the mountain. A forest that is lush and thick to the north provides much of the hunted game and wood the town needs for resources. The climate is dry and barren except for the water that flows down the mountain givin life along the river.

General Stats

  • Founded: 50 years ago
  • Population:75
  • Fishing, Hunting, and gathering are primary food source
  • Barter trade is the primary method of trade
  • Limited coinage - Typically baters may be offset by copper


  • Common Law (Ex: Theft, Murder, Arson, Etc.)
  • The use of Banishment Magic is the same as Murder
  • Trial is held and judged by the current Speakers. Members of the community may weigh in.
  • Execution is via Banishment Magic, exile, or until Hanged
  • Misdemeanors are jail time served based on the sivarity of the crime


  • Electocracy
  • 4 year term
  • 5 Elected Members

Current Leadership



  • May muster up to 20 militia
  • No formal training
  • Contains One Jail

Articles under Haven

Cover image: Landscape 18 by
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