
Fifth Prelate of the Lysandrian Church

Agatha was the fifth Prelate of the Lysandrian Church until her removal from power in the aftermath of the Shabolite Conspiracy.  

Prelate of the Church

After Gelasius’s mysterious disappearance in 1437, Agatha was elevated as Prelate. Her election faced some controversy, as King Lorcan openly courted votes for his preferred candidate.   In 1442, Agatha was instrumental in the formation of the Khalonian Coalition, in which every major nation on Khalon united to push out the Holy Orcish Horde from the continent. To support the cause, Agatha declared a crusade against the invaders, rallying the faithful to the cause.   Agatha’s reign abruptly ended following the collapse of the Shabolite Conspiracy. With news that a Shabolite Cult had been operating inside the Calydonian palace, Agatha had either been negligently ignorant or perhaps a participant. While no evidence surfaced, she was forcibly retired to a remote monastery on a distant island.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
1391 EE 64 Years old
Aligned Organization
Gelasius I
Gelasius II


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