
Ilyrians are the inhabitants of Ilyria⁣⁣⁣⁣. The Ilyrian identity was born out of the Great Revolt⁣⁣⁣⁣, uniting people from a variety of backgrounds and races. Human⁣⁣⁣⁣ inhabitants of Ilyria⁣, as well as a handful of gnomes⁣⁣⁣⁣ and orcs all consider themselves Ilyrian.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Adelaide, Aleida, Alexia, Alianor, Alice, Alys, Amelia, Anastas, Angmar, Anne, Arabella, Ariana, Atheena, Ayleth, Beatrix, Brangian, Catherine, Catrain, Cedany, Cristiana, Dimia, Duraina, Eleanor, Eliose, Elizabeth, Ellyn, Elspeth, Emeline, Enndolynn, Esme, Farfelee, Gloriana, Godiva, Guinevere, Gussalen, Gwendolynn, Helena, Helewys, Hildegard, Isabel, Iseult, Isolde, Janet, Jasmine, Josselyn, Juliana, Katrina, Kaylein, Krea, Loreena, Luanda, Maerwynn, Malkyn, Margaret, Maria, Matilda, Millicent, Mirabelle, Muriel, Peronell, Phrowenia, Rainydayas, Rose, Ryia, Seraphina, Sybbyl, Thea, Victoria, Winifred

Masculine names

Althalos, Archibald, Arthur, Asher, Barda, Benedict, Berinon, Borin, Brom, Bryce, Carac, Cedric, Clifton, Crewe, Dain, Destrian, Donald, Doran, Edmund, Edwin, Favian, Fendrel, Forthwind, Frederick, Gavin, Geoffrey, Gorvenal, Gregory, Hadrian, Jarin, Josef, Leo, Leofrick, Letholdus, Lief, Merek, Oliver, Peyton, Quinn, Robin, Roger, Ronald, Rowan, Rulf, Sadon, Simon, Terrin, Terrowin, Tristan, Tybalt, Ulric, Walter, Xalvador, Zane

Family names

Baker, Baxter, Bennett, Brickenden, Brooker, Brown, Carpenter, Carter, Clarke, Cook, Cooper, Draper, Fisher, Fletcher, Foreman, Forester, Granger, Gregory, Hayward, Hughes, Kilner, Lister, Mannering, Mason, Mercer, Nash, Payne, Rolfe, Sawyer, Shepherd, Slater, Taylor, Tyler, Walter, Ward, Webb, Webster, Wood, Wright
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