
Once a major city along Terrenforte River, Allanar is a ruin located on an island in the middle of the river. During the Elven Era, many of the goods going into the interior of Morenthyr passed through Allanar's ports. Travelers tend to give a wide berth to the ruined city due to rumors of ghosts and the like.


Allanar was established in 383, serving as a staging ground for the Elven Conquest. The shipping of supplies and soldiers northwards led to its growth and expansion. Later, Allanar evolved into a trading city. Slaves and crops flowed south in exchange for finely-crafted goods from the heart of Morenthyr.   The Great Revolt started in Allanar in 1348 when gnomish operatives set off explosives across the city during the Feast of Iorath. The resulting conflict led for the city to be largely destroyed as freed slaves battled Thyrian legionnaires for control.


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