
Lord of Subjugation

Iorath was an Aboleth who was personified as the God of Slavery. He was worshiped in Morenthyr during the Elven Era (~400 to 1352). He was slain by Lysander during the Great Revolt in 1352.  

Pre-Elven Era

Little is known about the origins of Iorath. The Devoted took an aboleth, renamed Abby, prisoner during the Great Revolt. From their interrogations, they discovered Iorath was once an aboleth, but ascended to godhood during the Elven Conquest. Iorath is thought to have lived in the delta around Thal'Narius for thousands of years. When the elves built their capital there, Iorath used them to enforce his will over the continent.  

Elven Era

Elven Conquest

During the Elven Conquest, Thyrian armies were led by the Conqueror, a semi-mythical figure who remains popular among Thyrian patriots today. This Conqueror is thought to have either been influenced or controlled by Iorath, who assisted Morenthyr's conquest in exchange for being revered as a god.   The worship of Iorath spread quickly among elves in Morenthyr following the elven conquest. Used to justify slavery of non-elves, Iorath joined the pre-existing Elven Pantheon. In early years, slaves were sacrificed to Iorath on a regular basis, but this fell out of practice in the mid-600s, becoming officially banned in 724.  

The Great Revolt

In 1350, during the Festival of Iorath, slaves in Allanar rebelled against their masters, triggering a nationwide revolt. Humans, gnomes, and orcs, among others, banded together to break free from Morenthyr and thus Iorath. Triumvir Cirril Ancalan attempted to defeat the rebels, but they were surprisingly resilient. Fearing the end of the Elven Empire, Cirril made a pact with Iorath. He would submit to him in exchange for Iorath keeping Morenthyr whole.   This bargain quickly spired out of control, with Iorath destroying many of the things the Triumvir had held dear. In the eighth month of 1352, Iorath had Cirril declare himself Emperor, disbanding the Conclave and abolishing the Triumvir system. He then declared himself (Iorath) the patron god of Morenthyr and reinstated human sacrifice. Horrified, Cirril maintained a semblance of free will, and sent secret messages encoded into government documents to the The Devoted , leaders among the Great Revolt.  


During the Battle of Thal'Narius, rebel forces gained control of much of the city, while the Devoted broke Iorath's hold over Cirril Ancalan. Iorath emerged from the watery depths beneath the city, and began to attack rebel forces. Lysander, with the assistance of two of the Devoted, Fenci and Yuriel, fought against Iorath. This distracted long enough him for the other Devoted, along with Cirril, to climb onto Iorath's back. Gouging through his eye, they entered into his carapace and destroyed his brain. His death marked the end of Morenthyr's control over the continent.   Following his death, worship of Iorath was banned by Emperor-Regent Oluien Trismaris. His altars were removed from temples to the Endaril and his monuments were toppled. Most elves showed little resistance to this as the news of Iorath’s true appearance, that of a massive tentacled horror, spread following the Battle of Thal’Narius.   A handful of true believers remained however. Crediting Iorath for the millennium Morenthyr dominated Khalon, these followers formed the Societas Recursus. Society members collected as much of Iorath’s remains as they could. His remains were then deposited into the Anchorage as the leader of the Society had a vision of Iorath healing in the depths below.   In 1363, the Twilight Hand were tipped off to the plans of the Societas. To subvert their plan, the members of the Hand constructed three large pillars to keep Iorath locked away. Empowered by Lysander, these pillars chained Iorath to the seafloor to ensure that he would never emerge again.

Divine Domains

Slavery, Suffering, Wrath


Feast of Iorath



Nemesis (Vital)

Towards Iorath



Nemesis (Vital)

Towards Lysander



Lysander maintains a deep hatred of Iorath for his support of slavery and sentient sacrifice.

Divine Classification
Deity (former)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Subjugation
Tentacled Horror
Year of Death
1352 EE
Aligned Organization

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