Great Revolt

From 1348-1352, the Great Revolt reshaped Khalon, ending the undisputed reign of Morenthyr. The Revolt led to the formation of the modern political boundaries of the continent today.

The Conflict


For centuries, humans were subservient to elves, serving as slaves or second-class citizens. Gnomes were also treated poorly, being forced out of their homes during the Elven Conquest. Built on the back of slave labor, Morenthyr developed a strong economic and military base, controlling most of the continent. However, orcish incursions beginning in the 1230s greatly destabilized the Empire. During the war with the orcs, humans gained more rights and privileges on behalf of fighting for the Empire. Following the end of the Orcish Migration in the late 1328, some Thyrians, led by Cirril Ancalan, advocated for the continuation of elven dominance, again inflaming racial tensions in Morenthyr.

The Engagement

Early Stages

Overextended, Morenthyr was on a precipice in 1348. Many inside the Empire were dissatisfied with its current structure, elf and non-elf alike. Fenci the Unyielding, one of The Devoted, set off explosion in a large temple dedicated to the Elven Pantheon on the feast day of Iorath in the city of Allanar. This event marks the starting point of the Revolt. Following the destruction of the temple, slaves across the city rose up, mobbing elves throughout the city. Allanar burned for three days before the Elven military occupied the remains of the city, crushing any sign of revolt. However, most slaves were able to escape on ships, fleeing northward. The slaves were armed by a faction of the Cavalcade, who had long been looking for a way of defeating Morenthyr.   HALFLINGS - SILENT STALKERS  


Many of the slaves that fled Allanar established a small settlement, Calydon, in what is now Ilyria. Constructed from the ground up, refugees from across the empire flocked here, causing it to grow rapidly. Here led Lysander formed a central government for the nascent revolt. Worried that the rebellion would be crushed, Lysander quickly sought to make allies, beginning with the Cavalcade which was camped outside Calydon. After extended negotiations, the Merchants' Council voted to fully support the revolt, cementing a strong alliance between humans and gnomes which continues on to this day.  

Liberation of the Orcs

Refugees fleeing from Morenthyr stumbled upon a large prison deep in the Jungles of Theyennor. With walls over fifty feet high and no discernible way in from the outside, it seemed impregnable. When this information reached Lysander, he put in place a daring plan to recruit the orcs held inside to the cause. Agents of the Great Revolt broke into the camp to stir rebellion. These agents were successful in negotiating with the elven guards, who, in exchange for their lives, allowed the orcs to leave unharmed. Thyrian experiments led to the creation of extremely-violent, mutated orcs. Lomhal the Mender, one of The Devoted, determined a way to restore their minds, creating the first of the Ogre, including Ooga Booga, the first leader of the Ogre.  

Rededication of the Twilight Host

In the latter stages of the Elven Conquest, the Twilight Host  

Emergence of the Ursine

For the past millennium, trade between the dwarves and Morenthyr thrived, with steel and other weapon material flowing into Morenthyr unabated. In an effort to disrupt this trade, agents of the revolt were sent to meet with the dwarves. While the dwarves were uncooperative, the agents stumbled upon Corduroy the Inventor, an ambitious young black bear. He led the agents to Green Briar, a small settlement of Ursine who worshiped Rast. With their assistance, Corduroy was able to finish his gauntlets, the first of the Ursine Gauntlets to be created, allowing bears greater use of their paws. The Ursine quickly forged a pact with humanity, vowing to fight against Morenthyr, as their ancestors did during the Siege of Treavley.  

Divine Proclamation

In the eighth month of 1352, Triumvir Cirril Ancalan declared himself Emperor of Morenthyr, arresting anti-slavery elves such as the deposed Triumvir Toseus Iliren and the future Emperor-Regent, Oluien Trismaris. Emperor Cirril also established Iorath as the patron god of Morenthyr, restoring old practices such as human sacrifice which were banned hundreds of years ago.  

Destruction of Periopolis

In an effort to preempt the Elipidae, Emperor Cirril Ancalan launched a large-scale sneak attack on major elipidaen settlements. Using mines and other explosive devices, the Thyrian navy devastated Periopolis, a mid-sized city near the coast of Morenthyr. However, other settlements fared better, and quickly allied with Lysander, joining the Great Revolt. Their ships were used to transfer the Revolt's army southward, allowing them to avoid a long, protracted war.  

Battle for Thal'Narius

In the eleventh month of 1352, Lysander and the Devoted launched an all-out assault on the capital of Morenthyr, Thal'Narius. Attacking from all sides, the Revolt was able to pin most of the imperial army in the heart of the city, holding them in while the Devoted fought Iorath, who emerged from beneath the city. Aided by Cirril Ancalan, who was broken free from Iorath's control, the rebelling forces were able to kill Iorath, leading to Morenthyr's surrender and Cirril's abdication.


Iorath, God of Slavery, was slain by Lysander, leading to his ascension to godhood. Cirril Ancalan abdicated the Thyrian throne, disappearing. Morenthyr was fragmented, with the Emperor-Regent Oluien Trismaris taking control. The nations of Ilyria, Gaul, and Treavley gain independence.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Revolutionaries were victorious, leading to the breakup of Morenthyr and the foundation of independent human-led states.



Led by


Led by


100,000 Elven Legionnaires 200,000 Auxiliaries
100,000 Human Militia
6,000 Gnomish Commandos
5,000 Voros Kal
4,000 Halfling Militia
200 Ogre
100 Elipidaen Ships


Military: 40,000 Dead
Civilian: 200,000 Dead
Military: 30,000 Dead
Civilian: 300,000 Dead


Crush the revolt and restore Thyrian supremacy.
Liberate Khalon from Morenthyr.


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