Elaxis Thural

Elaxis Thural was an elven geomancer responsible for forming the Great Divide.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Elaxis Thural was born into an aristocratic family in Thal'Melan. Showing talent in the arcane from a young age, she was soon sent to the Senrilan Academy. Here she excelled, becoming a leading researcher in geomancy.  

Orcish Migration

Like many mages, she fought against the orcish invaders. Leaving her position at the academy, Elaxis became embedded in a frontline unit that was continuously pushed back as the orcs advanced. Seeing the dire Thyrian position, she returned to Senrilan in 1283 to prepare for the creation of the Great Divide. Her efforts leading the project were instrumental in its fruition in 1288. After nearly a month-long ritual, the Great Divide was formed, but not without massive earthquakes devastating southeast Khalon. One of these caused the cavern where the geomancers were located to collapse, killing Elaxis and many of the others.  


Elaxis Thural's devotion to Morenthyr is still celebrated today, uniting all elves behind an inspiring figure who stood for civilization. Her name was taken up by the Elaxian Legion, who now guard against another orcish attack. The anniversary of the divide is commemorated throughout Morenthyr, a day of reflection for what was saved, and those who were lost.
1195 EE 1288 EE 93 years old


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