Necromantic Plot

The Necromantic plot was an attempt by powerful mages to seize control of Ilyria. The plot was foiled by the Sunforged Order, who then purged the school of necromancy from Fayara.  

The Plot

In 1390, Orlen Tupporo and Eldor Kilner hatched a plan to take control of Ilyria. Orlen was a skilled necromancer while Eldor was the councilor for the school of enchanting. The duo waited until King Marden of Ilyria traveled to Aurestals for a hunting trip. Eldor then disguised himself as the king, integrating himself in the royal palace in Calydon. During this time, he ordered the king’s vassals to raise their levies and head south to the Trelian border. Eldor then began cementing his rule in Calydon, appointing allies to key positions and removing enemies.   As Eldor wreaked havoc inside Calydon, Orlen raised a large undead army in northern Ilyria. He besieged Aurestals, ensuring no word could get in or out of the city to the king. With Marden trapped, Orlen joined Eldor in Calydon. The pair ruled for three months until Grandmaster Alexia Roseheart of the Sunforged Order discovered their ruse. Besieged by the order, Eldor and Orlen made a last stand in the Crypt of the Holies, turning those buried there into undead to defend them.  


After a bloody battle, Eldor and Orlen were subdued. Freed from Aurestals, Marden returned to Calydon. He immediately ordered the execution of Eldor to great fanfare. Orlen was spared only due to fear of him returning in undeath. The Sunforged Order then marched on Treavley to destroy the school of necromancy permanently.   Facing outrage across the continent for the actions of some of the highest mages in Fayara, the Council sided with the Order. Necromancers in Fayara were purged. Most were turned over to the Order, who burned them at the stake for practicing black magic. A handful of powerful mages like Orlen were instead imprisoned deep in the dungeons below Treavley.   The destruction of the necromantic school was followed with the shuttering of the Enchanter’s school. Due to Eldor’s participation in the plot, the school was marked for closure. Its members were allowed to join other schools after affirming their oaths to the Haxean Code.  

Alexia’s Corollary

In Treavley, Grandmaster Alexia declared an addition to the Haxean Code: the complete illegalization of necromancy. Known as Alexia’s Corollary, this addition to the code has since been observed rigorously within northern and central Khalon.
Orlen's Undead Army
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Eldor & Orlen defeated, necromancy banned across most of Khalon.


Eldor & Orlen
Ilyrian Forces


23 Necromancers
12 Enchanters
Thousands of Undead
30,000 Ilyrian Soldiers
10,000 Sunforged Order


Complete Destruction
Hundreds dead


Take control of Ilyria.
Banish necromancy from Fayara.
Necromancer burned at the stake.


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