
Calydon is the capital of Ilyria and is one of the largest cities in Khalon. Calydon expanded rapidly during the Great Revolt and has since become a central trading and diplomatic hub.


Race Percentage
Human 60%
Gnome 10%
Orc 10%
Elf 5%
Half-elf 5%
Ogre 3%
Dwarf 2%
Other 5%


While the monarch of Ilyria traditionally resides in the Carlyon Palace, day-to-day activities in Calydon are controlled by the Lord-Mayor and a council of eight aldermen. Aldermen are elected every two years by full members of the guilds. Competing for power are the Marchands and the Artisans both of which have differing interests. The Lord-Mayor is then elected by the City Council for a five year term, with no term limits.

Industry & Trade

Calydon acts as a central trading hub for north-central Khalon. Passing through Calydon is the Via Victoris, a large road connecting Thal'Narius in the south to Tunstead in northern Ilyria. Calydon also has a sizable port with goods being brought from across the continent. Exports from Treavley and the Demarchy pass through Calydon before being transported south. By land or by sea, Calydonian merchants make large profits on these imports and exports. Wealthy merchants can buy membership into the Marchands, a powerful guild with its headquarters in Trefell Crescent.   Artisan craftsmanship is another hallmark of the Calydonian economy. Industrial activity in the city is largely controlled by a collection of guilds centered in the Little Crescent. Unlike the Marchands, to join one of these guilds one must be apprenticed to an existing member and work their way up in the organization. These guilds produce a variety of goods for use both in Calydon and to export across Khalon. Some of the most powerful include the Merciers, Armuriers, and Pelletiers.

Guilds and Factions


The Lysandrian faith is headquartered in Calydon, with the Archcleric himself giving sermons at the Cathedral of the Pious. By far the most dominant religion in the city, most neighborhoods have shrines or churches dedicated to Lysander. Lysandrian holidays are celebrated throughout the city, with large festivals bringing commerce to a halt.   Other faiths have a small presence in Calydon, including the Elven Pantheon, primarily worshiped by visiting Thyrians, and the Old Ones, worshiped by a small portion of Ilyrians and some Gaulian visitors.


Elven Era

The earliest records mentioning Calydon come from the Elven Conquest. Described as a small fishing village on a delta, Calydon had less than a hundred inhabitants. Calydon remained largely ignored by Elven authorities throughout the Elven Era until the Great Revolt. Escaped slaves, gnomish travelers, and other freedom fighters gathered in Calydon under the auspices of Lysander. This led to a burgeoning population, with much of the nearby forests being cut down for building.  

Post-Elven Era

  Following the defeat of Morenthyr, the former lands under their control were in a state of flux. Powerful and respected individuals positioned themselves as nobles, and in the decade following the end of the Great Revolt, formed Ilyria in central Khalon with Calydon as its capital.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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