Orcish Migration

The Orcish Migration was a major event in Khalonian history which led to the destabilization of Morenthyr. Various orcish tribes crossed into Khalon from the Perpetual Desert in the east, pillaging countless settlements. Hundreds of thousands died, especially elves, which some argue set the stage for the Great Revolt a generation later.

The Conflict


Beginning in the early 1230s, an unencountered race appeared along the Perpetual Desert. Travelling in nomadic tribes, these orcs were considered barbaric and uncivilized, and beyond a few border skirmishes were not considered a threat by most Thyrians. This changed in 1237, when tens of thousands of warriors crossed into Morenthyr and began pillaging dozens of settlements.

The Engagement

Pushing all the way to the capital, the Conclave in Thal'Narius was besieged for five years, only ending when earth-shattering magic was used. A large ravine was made separating the Perpetual Desert from the rest of Khalon, which stemmed the flow of further orcs into Morenthyr, but the resulting earthquakes brought devastation throughout southeastern Khalon. The orcs remaining in Khalon fought on, with the last bands only being defeated in the 1310s.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date


Orcish Torzek


250,000 Thyrian Legionnaires
300,000 Auxiliaries
200,000 Orcish Warriors


150,000 Thyrian Legionnaires
150,000 Auxiliaries
300,000 Civilians
170,000 Orcs


Repel the orcish invaders.
Pillage and loot Khalon.


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