
Oslyon is a town located in the Muskraine Mire in southern Morenthyr. Once a prominent trading town, its prosperity has greatly declined in the past few decades. Since 1434, it has largely been abandoned to the mire, with the vast majority (approximately 4000) of its inhabitants emigrating. A few hundred bullywug remain, eking out a meager life in the swamps.


Oslyon was a rather diverse town. Prior to its decline, about a third of its population was elven, living separately from the rest of the town's inhabitants. Bullywugs, humans, half-elves, and halflings made up the remainder, primarily living near the docks. Since its recent decline, most of the remaining population is bullywug, along with a handful of elves and humans.


Prior to its collapse, the Magister of Oslyon was appointed by the Emperor-Regent of Morenthyr to oversee the city. A city council comprising of 7 members advises the magister and exerted influence throughout the city. The council was elected from the city's elven population, with one seat reserved for a halfling. Since its collapse, Oslyon remains rather lawless, with the former magister, Ellisar Valrona, mantaining a semblance of authority.


Once a bustling trading port, the past century has not been kind to Oslyon. Successive wars and natural disasters have left the town depopulated, with portions being reclaimed by the swamp. The Great Revolt led to the destruction of an entire district of Oslyon, which has been left in ruins. The depopulation of Oslyon was accelerated in 1434, when an attack from a powerful hag, Ethel 'Granny' Gristlegums, and her minions left much of the town in flames. Most of the population relocated, with some migrating to various parts of Morenthyr while others went north to human-controlled territory.


Situated on the coast in the Muskraine Mire, Oslyon is built on top of a swamp. Stagnant ponds are common throughout the city, with mosquitoes being omnipresent. The weather alternates between scorching and dreary. Humidity remains nearly at 100% year-round.
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