Settled Gnome

Settled gnomes are primarily found in the gnomish ancestral homeland around the Tralin River in the Duchy of Thorpes. Following the Great Revolt, some gnomes decided to abandon their nomadic lifestyle and return to their homeland. Triggering a schism, around a quarter of gnomes now live in small settlements around the Tralin. Traveling gnomes and settled gnomes view each other as wayward siblings, with each confident the other will come around.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Bimpnottin, Breena, Caramip, Carlin, Donella, Duvamil, Ella, Ellyjobell, Ellywick, Lilli, Loopmottin, Lorilla, Mardnab, Nissa, Nyx, Oda, Orla, Roywyn, Shamil, Tana, Waywocket, Zanna

Masculine names

Alston, Alvyn, Boddynock, Brocc, Burgell, Dimble, Eldon, Erky, Fonkin, Frug, Gerbo, Gimble, Glim, Jebeddo, Kellen, Namfoodle, Orryn, Roondar, Seebo, Sindri, Warryn, Wrenn, Zook

Unisex names

Aleslosh, Ashhearth, Badger, Cloak, Doublelock, Filchbatter, Fnipper, Ku, Nim, Oneshoe, Pock, Sparklegem Stumbleduck

Family names

Beren, Daergel, Folkor, Garrick, Murnig, Nackle, Ningel, Raulnor, Scheppen, Timbers, Turen
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken


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