
Gnomes are a race found across Khalon. Originally living along the Tralin River, gnomes were displaced following the Elven Conquest. They can now be found in almost every major settlement, with many traveling as merchants and craftsmen with the Cavalcade. In recent years, some gnomes have resettled along the Tralin, forming the Duchy of Thorpes.

Basic Information


Gnomes, along with halflings, are very small compared to most other races. However, while halflings were commonly said to resemble short humans, gnomes were more comparable with elves, with whom they share pointed ears and high cheekbones. Many gnomes had a more feral appearance than either, however, with hair that often sprouted from their heads in odd directions. The skin of gnomes varies in hue from reddish tans to earthy browns. Similarly, gnomish hair varies wildly in color from blond and brown to more exotic colors like white, orange, or even green. Gnomish eyes were often glittering black or blue, although more natural eye colors were also known to the race.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnomes are long-lived, living as long as elves. Generally, gnomes are considered to reach maturity at forty years of age. However, unlike elves, gnomes show a greater degree of aging as they grow older. Once a gnome has passed his or her first century, their hair begins to gray, if it was not already white, and their skin begins to wrinkle as in humans or dwarves. However, even the oldest gnome retains a vitality that would be extraordinarily unusual among many of the more short-lived races.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Gnomish and Elvish are the primary languages spoken by gnomes, with some starting a sentence in one language and ending it in the other. Elvish was adopted by gnomes following the Elven Conquest. Gnomish is largely homogenized, with the continual intermixing of gnomes during their travels discouraging the formation of any regional dialects.


Gnomish history on Khalon rivals that of the dwarves. Some scholars consider the dwarves and gnomes to be cousins of some basal race, although no conclusive evidence has been found. For millennia, gnomes made the lands around the Tralin river home, farming along the riverbanks.   Early interactions between gnomes and humans were peaceful, with gnomish farming techniques diffusing out among various human tribes. Gnomish life suddenly changed during the Elven Conquest, when they were forcibly displaced from their homeland.
Scientific Name
Parva brevis
200-250 years
Average Height
Average Weight
40-50 lb
Related Ethnicities


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