
The Provider

Siedel is the goddess of agriculture and civilization. The daughter of Edite and Geset, she is worshiped by followers of the Old Ones. Traditionally revered by farmers, worship of Siedel has quickly spread among the faithful in rural parts of Trelios.  


During a brutal famine in an age past, humanity was on the brink of extinction. Both Geset and Edite walked among man in an attempt to save them. Teaching these hunter-gatherers how to plant a seed. From this seed a plant sprouted, eventually producing a child. Raised by Geset and Edite, Siedel spent her first life teaching humans how to grow crops before ascending to the Dreipalast.  


Prior to the Elven Conquest, Siedel was one of the most popular gods worshiped by humans in Khalon. All of society, from simple farmers to kings, worshiped her to encourage good harvests and an abundance of food. Harvest festivals were held every autumn, celebrating Siedel for her bounty. Since the Elterian revival, Siedel has once again gained prominence, with shrines erected by farmers dotting southeastern Trelios.

Divine Domains

Agriculture, Civilization, Life
Divine Classification


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