
The First King (a.k.a. The Father)

The oldest of Eltertiel’s children, Geset is the god of traditions and order. A member of the Old Ones pantheon, his worship has begun again in Trelios following the Elterian Revival. In Halfling tradition, Geset is viewed as Eltertiel’s husband rather than her son, and he is worshiped as the Father in the Kith & Kin.

The First King

Before written history, humans traveled in small nomadic bands traversing Wiveria. Conflict over resources and food could turn violent, with each tribe hoarding as much as they could. Eltertiel weeped at their folly and decided something must be done. Thus she created her firstborn son Geset and sent him to walk among man.   Appearing as a baby, Geset was found by an old hermit. This hermit adopted Geset and raised him to become a great man. Geset would become a powerful chieftain, uniting the disparate Human tribes. He became their first king, ruling with honor and wisdom. Geset codified Wiveran traditions into a legal code, passed down orally among the educated. He also constructed the First Temple, a shrine dedicated to Eltertiel where all of humanity would meet and worship.   When Geset was in his old age, oracles saw visions of him ascending to the heavens. One evening, he retired to his quarters never to be seen again. In the morning, his room was found empty, leading the Wiverans to realize they had been in the presence of a god. Geset would join his mother in godhood, worshiped by ancient humanity.  


Geset's worship has evolved over time in response to the changing needs and values of society. During times of great upheaval or conflict, Geset's role as a god of order and tradition has been particularly relevant and appealing to those seeking stability and security. On the other hand, in more peaceful or progressive times, Geset's strict adherence to tradition has been seen as a hindrance to progress and innovation.   Geset has long been seen as a patron of those who work to preserve and uphold traditions and laws in society, such as historians, archivists, and legal professionals. In pre-conquest Khalon, priests would consult with Geset to determine if new laws were both fair and just. He has since become a popular deity among Trelian nobility who believe in the Old Ones.

Divine Domains

Justice, Loyalty, Order
Divine Classification


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