
Steinheim is the son of Geset and is the god of craftsmanship and smithing. He was worshiped by pre-conquest humans across Khalon, especially among skilled craftspeople and smiths.  


Steinheim was born to human parents in pre-conquest Khalon. Born in lands controlled by Ig'drath, a cruel and wrathful ruler, Steinheim's early life was filled with fear and terror. Ig'drath at times would become enraged, taking his anger out by torturing his hapless subjects. This came to a head when Steinheim's wife was brutally killed by Ig'drath.   Praying to Geset for a return of a just ruler, Steinheim went deep into the Tarum Mountains and worked day and night. First among humans to smith iron and steel, he forged armor and weapons for one hundred people. These one hundred stormed Ig'drath's keep, slaying him and his followers. Steinheim was chosen as king by his followers, and reigned justly for fifty years. On his death bed, Steinheim was adopted by Geset, and brought to the Dreipalast as its divine smith.  

Pre-Elven Era

Worship of Steinheim spread rapidly among craftsmen and smiths, with shrines being found in all major pre-conquest human settlements. In the countryside, smiths would often keep a small shrine in part of their workshop, praying for inspiration whenever they started up their forge.

Divine Domains

Craft, Forge, Trade

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A hammer and anvil
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity


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