
Viesa is the daughter of Edite and the goddess of prophecy and arcana. She is worshiped by followers of the Old Ones, especially among users of magic. In times of hardship, some believe her oracles gain the gift of prophecy, being able to see what the future holds.  


Near the end of the Everlasting War, humanity was on the brink of defeat. Even with the help of the Old Ones, the giants were gaining ground. Edite chose to walk among man, assisting humans in their time of need. She in turn fell in love with a human chieftain and had a daughter, Viesa. Viesa was gifted with prophecy, and saw there was no way to defeat the giants. She called on humanity to leave Wiveria and set out for a new home. As an old woman, she assembled the strongest human spellcasters and defended the humans leaving for Khalon against a final, furious attack by the giants. It is said that she and her spellcasters, once the last ships had left, ascended to the Dreipalast with the help of her mother Edite.  

Pre-Elven Era

Following her ascension, Viesa joined the Old Ones pantheon and began to be worshiped by early human settlers in Khalon. Her followers were often mages, or those with an interest in prophecy. A grand temple dedicated to Viesa was built in Pythia before the Elven Conquest. Interestingly, the head oracle at Pythia prophesied a great threat from the south a few decades before the conquest began, but her warnings were disregarded. The exact location of this temple has since been lost to time.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Time

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A crystal ball
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity


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