BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Act I: Purgatory flames

Our group of Drengr Hunters have gathered in the main hall of Palace Sulaymann, El Efreet. Drengr are fierce beasts that leach off elemental energy, and inhabit the space between planes. You feel warm as you are constantly sweating. You see your own reflection in gold pillars before you. Azar is truely a plane to behold.
You have now been waiting for twenty minutes for Putris Sulayman and when he finally arrives, he is displeased with your recent hunt. He has paid you in gold beyond believes to rid El Efreet of these beasts, however it seems that you missed a few and now some bad people have captured these beasts for who knows what purpose. He orders you to halt the people responsible and exterminate any remaining Drengr in El Efreet. As he makes a gesture indicating your exit, a Fire Genasi shows next to him and says: “My lord, we have located Ariaza Lucero. What would you have us do?”
As you patrol the city in search for Drengr, a cloaked man bumps into one of you. Before knowing, your gold pouch is gone! As you chase after this man, you all find yourself in a dark alley...

And that is were we start Act I
      Fire. Azar’s sky is filled with fiery clouds as this plane has a natural red hue. The Drengr Hunters, consisting of Elly, Tyvanna, Oswald and Mad Willy, found themselves in a alleyway chasing after a man who took Elly's gold pouch. They heard a snarl of a beast. They recognized it as a Drengr, a monster they were trained to hunt.
From the shade in the alleyway, a man stepped. Full plated and carrying a whip he said: “Get em boys!”. They saw two Drengr, now armored step forward, as well as three plated Amarkeeri i. A fight ensued, and one by one the Drengr Hunters killed their enemies.
After the fight, when the party started to inspect the battlefield, they noticed the wierd symbols on the armor of the Amarkeeri. In their time in El Efreet they had seen the symbols once or twice. They recognized it from the hooded people that sold some peculiar stuff at the market stalls around the city. Wondering about the purpose of the acquired items, they left the scene.

Two days passed in which they hunted down more Drengr that wandered around the city. That's when they came across more of the weird symbols. They decided to investigate further into the matter.
On the third day of their hunt, word spread that Putris Sulaymann made it illegal to withold information about people who are keeping Drengr. Homes were raided by Hot Heads in search for criminals, and the lives of the living folk were disrupted.come across more weird symbols and decide to investigate further into the matter.

The search of our hunters leads them to a guarded staircase down in an alleyway. The recognize it as the meeting point of 'The Hand', a group of cultists who take special interest in Drengr. They guess it's the root of the problem, and decide to pose as Drangr sellers. Disguised as commoners they try to gain access into the building.
“State your business!” the guard at the door asks. They tell him they want to talk to their leader about selling some Drengr. Luckily they're led in.
In the lobby they meet Determination, a broad shouldered Tiefling. “Ahh our sellers, we are so glad you could make it!" he said, "Tarzin is ready to discuss business with you. I’m afraid he is still in a meeting, care for some drinks?” Willy tells him he has his own booze. As he takes a swig the stench filles the room. When he offers some to Determination, he politely declines. After waiting for some time, the door to Tarzin's office opened. A human man, with dark blonde hair and blue eyes,wearing glasses, and holding a beautiful silver staff with a icosohedron shaped object on top walked out. He smiled to them and used Dimention Door to get out.
When they step into the office, they see an odd looking creature behind the desk. A Gith welcomed them and introduced himself as Tarzin. He eagerly listened to them about their offer. While they discuss their deal he told them about his plans for a better El Efreet. For this he needed the Drengr as soon as possible. The Drengr would be used to open up portals to many different planes. These portals were situated below the warehouses in El Efreet. The group acted friendly towards him, promising him they would take care of the Drenger. They lied in his face, knowing that they were tasked to take care of this troublemaker by Putris Sulaymann.

The next day, the Drenger Hunters, together with the Sulaymann troops, gathered in front of the warehouses. As some Hot Heads opened the door, they charged inside. Though they were met with some fierce resistance from the cultists, they managed to enter the area below.
What they found there was a stone cavern filled with stone portals of different hues. Behind them they recognized the different elemental planes, some other planes, and even the city of Ysala on the material plane. At the end of this stone, cavern stood a stone pedistal with a bright orange egg on it.
The cultists scattered around the room. They heard Tarzan, who stood behind a army of cultists yelling: “Traitors! I will personally dispatch of you! Charge!” A fight ensued, and the hunters began attacking cultists left and right. While they were fighting two portals opened. From the west side of the room a gigantic Behir came crawling out of the portal. It's lightning breath killing many of the cultists. On the east side our heroes were met with a beholder who chose to attack them. When the Behir made way to attack Elly, Tyvanna charmed him to become their companion. Together with the Behir they won the fight and took the egg. It glowed like lava, and resembled the egg of a great phoenix. They also found notes on how the cultists wanted to lead armies into El Efreet to take over the city.

When they arrived back at the palace, they were rewarded with even more gold as they had done everything Putris had asked for. They saw how he took special interest in the egg.
The group decided to make their way back to the material plane. However, on their way back to their lodgings, they saw the death and disruption the Drengr hunt had left upon El Efreet. They saw how they had left the city in worse state than how they had found it.
Just as Oswald was about to open the door they heard a voice behind them: “Excuse me, a moment of your time please.” As they looked behind them they saw an Azer, a fire dwarf. He explained to them that Madam Lucero would like to speak to them, and that it was urgent. He handed them a sending stone, and they heard a message: "Drengr hunters, your lives are at danger. The moment you will pass into the materialplane, Putris will have assassins ready to dispatch of you and take back the gold. He can’t risk people knowing if he kills you here. My daughter is in peril, I need that egg you looted from the cultists to save her and in return El Efreet. Claim the Egg for me, even if it means breaking into the palace and I will personally return you safely home. Call me when you have the Egg." Caring more for their lives than for their alliance, they accepted.

During The shade, which is an Azari term for nightfall, they planned their infiltration into the Sulayman Palace. They had found that the left side of the palace was the least defended, and managed, after taking out two guards, to head into the palace garden. They climbed their way inside, and quickly hid behind a curtain. Mad Willy tried to sneak through the hallway, but was spotted by a guard. He transformed into a wolf to give himself the advantage. This gave Elly the sign that they would just attack whoever they saw to fulfill their mission.
Soon all of them were running through the palace, making their way to the personal chambers of Putris. They jumped over kitchen counters and slid through corridors. When they finally arrived in the chambers Mad Willy got hold of the egg before jumping out the window. As the rest of the group followed him, Tyvanna made sure to catch them in her eagle form.

When they had finally fled the palace grounds, they rung up Madam Lucero to inform her they had what she desired. They saw how besides them the Azer and Madam Lucero appeared in a fiery teleport. As she closed her eyes they were all enveloped in flamed and the world around them seemed to change. Within an instant they found themselves in a familiar terrain. They were standing upon a green mountain top overlooking the red maple trees surrounding Ysala. They had successfully been brought back to the material plane. Madam Lucero collapsed on the floor and screamed out in pain. The Azer started speaking to her: “Ma’am, you cannot hold your form any longer. We should do it now.” She looked up at the Azer and said: “It was an honor.” As a single teardrop runs down her face she looked up and said: “We will be together again!”
In a burst of fire she exploded, together with the phoenix egg. The hunters were all knocked back 15 ft. as they saw the image of a phoenix slowly fade. In the center, a female Amarkeeri with burning orange hair and clothing appeared, who seemed to have a small fox like creature around her neck. Dante opened her eyes, they were burning as bright as the fires of Azar.



The Drengr Hunters:
  • Ellyjobell Thunderboot, a Rock Gnome Fighter
  • Oswald, a Harengon Paladin
  • Tyvanna of Sunset's Glow, a Eladrin Druid
  • Wilroy Brumrum 'Mad Willy' Wildmann, a Hill Dwarf Bloodhunter / Gunslinger
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