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Dante Lucero

Born in a small bakery in the City of El Efreet, Dante will most definitely try to warm your heart, or… set it on fire? This little Amarkeeri travelled all the way to the material plane to find a cure for her father. Together with Icie, the first of her kind she met on this plane of existence, and some other misfits they met along the way, they’re around Korthia in the hopes of accomplishing their goals.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Level 0 - Before the crash of the Blue Rose
Level 5

Body Features

Dante has a fiery tattoo of the Great Wheel of Cosmology on her right hip. On this tattoo only Terra, the Abyss, and Azar are completely filled in, because these are the only planes she's visited.   After being resurrected by Ariaza, she gained another tattoo. The fiery image of Azahri appeared on her back as a sign of her rebirth.  

Specialized Equipment

Dante was the owner of The Burning Key, a copper-colored tuning fork whose teeth are shaped like stylized flames. This key had been given to her by Polsha Emberheart with the message that Solis had chosen her as his champion. She lost the Key after getting killed by Hammah.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Somewhere in the middle ring of the City of El Efreet, there was a small bakery, owned by a man named Embrand Lucero. Embrand Lucero was a kind-hearted and honest man who took over the family business when he was just 17 years old. He had dark greyish brown skin and hair the color of boiling lava.
Every single morning, he woke hours before dawn to bake the most delicious bread for the Azari citizens. He took pride in his craft and worked hard to perfect it. It was only when a young woman, looking no older than 20 years old, came into his shop that he found himself drawn to something outside of work: love. The woman, Ariaza Lucero, had long black hair and dark purple skin. What made her stand out most of all were her eyes which were completely black and the little horns that grew out of her forehead. He fell in love with her warm voice and her enthralling personality. And even though she never spoke about her past, he never seemed to mind because he loved her for who she was.

A couple of years went by before they had their daughter: Dante. She seemed like a perfect mix of her parents, inheriting her fathers’ lava-colored hair and her mothers’ devilish black eyes. Her personality was as warm as Azar itself. Even as a young child she showed great kindness towards her parents and the other citizens. She also got the diligent nature of her father, as she started helping him bake at a very early age. Their family seemed perfect until one faithful night.

Embrand Lucero had been acting strange this day. She had brought in the groceries and then immediately headed upstairs carrying a small ornate box. After she had come down again she seemed to be in a rush, running around the house and cleaning up everything that wasn’t in the exact place it needed to be. In the evening everything seemed to go back to normal and it was only the next morning that the family had found Ariaza Lucero was missing.
The weeks after his wife had gone missing, Embrand Lucero searched the whole city. He did everything in his power to get his Ariaza Lucero back but to no avail. Through all of this, he kept on caring for Dante and made sure to provide her all the love he could.
Over the years Embrand Lucero seemed to change. Certain parts of his memory had gone lost, and every time he tried recalling them you could see him weaken. Dante slowly started to become a caregiver for her father, helping him with the housework and the family business.

By the time Dante was twenty-five Embrand Lucero had turned into a shell of the man he once was. Even though doctors had tried to intervene, none of that had worked. It seemed like it was something unnatural, maybe even magical. The only thing they knew for certain was that it could all be brought back to the moment Ariaza Lucero had left.
As Dante saw that her father’s faith seemed to be sealed she started searching through the attic, trying to find a clue as to how this had happened. That’s when she found a small ornate box, the small ornate box, the one her mom had with her the last time she saw her. When she opened it, a somewhat melodic yet dark sound came out. She needed to know what it was, so she went to the only place she knew would have answers: the Great Brass Library.
It was in the Great Brass Library that she met Zain Pacil, a scholar and linguist, who helped her decipher the sound. He told her it was a language called Infernal, a formal form of Infernal to be exact, and that it translated to: “The Red Watcher has fallen. We’ll be awaiting your return.” This was the moment Dante started her journey to get back her mother and hopefully undo what had been done to her father.


Dante is heterosexual.


Dante never went to school when she was younger, as this is not common in Azar. Later in life she was taught Infernal by Zain Pacil, a scholar of the Great Brass Library.


Dante has worked in her family bakery since she was nine years old.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Found her way through the Glass Desert to go to the portal to Terra.
  • Survived the crash of the Blue Rose.
  • Faced her fears by going on an underwater mission in the Ghul' alwar Basin.
  • Found a firethorn to help heal her father.
  • Took part in the Convergence of the Elements, and helped defeat Lord Nethrazim Paletouch.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Got swallowed by a banderhopp in Ysala.
  • Wasn’t able to save her friend Baba during a fight against a group of bandits.
  • Got hit by Sisyphus on multiple occasions.
  • Was killed by a 'Power Word Kill' spell casted by Hammah. She later got revived by Ariaza Lucero, after her egg was found by a group of Drengr Hunters (this event is described in the article 'Purgatory Flames').

Mental Trauma

Dante her mother, Ariaza Lucero, disappeared when she was just seven years old. This is something she still carries with her.
While travelling with Opalescence she shortly lost Bridie ‘Icie’ Calinda. Luckily Icie later returned as she was revived. A couple of months later Dante lost her friend Freya Nightingale in the battle against Lord Nethrazim Paletouch. Although Elisabeth VII tried to save her, it didn't work. Months after the loss of Freya Nightingale, Dante, Creeree 'Hawk' arc Qrirruawk and Sisyphus got killed by Hammah. Because of this Bridie ‘Icie’ Calinda left the group, without them knowing. This made Dante believe she had also lost her best friend.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dante isn't the smartest person, but she tries.

Morality & Philosophy

Dante lot from her father Embrand Lucero. One of the things he focused on when raising her was kindness. This is why she values it a lot.

Personality Characteristics


Dante came to the material plane in the hope to find more information about her mother. She thinks her fathers sickness has to do with the disappearance of her mom, and that her mother might know a cure for him.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Dante believes in the legend of The Rebirth of Azahri.


Dante has the tendency to become hyperactive when she's enthusiastic.

Hobbies & Pets

Dante has a pet firefox named Gustav. She had to leave him behind when she traveled to the material plane. She also became friends with Baba, an Ewok. Baba started following Dante after she petted his head. Baba got killed a couple days later after being dropped from the sky by a bandit leader.
In her free time she likes to cook, a hobby she picked up through baking with her dad. While cooking, Dante uses a lot of sharp spices. You could describe her food as 'hot'.


Because she grew up in Azar, Dante has an accent when speaking common.

Wealth & Financial state

Dante has lived in the middle ring of El Efreet for most of her life. Her family was never rich, but they always had the means to get by.
The City of El Efreet, Azar
Long, the color of glowing embers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue
4'11" / 1.50 m
105 lbs / 47.6 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Be kind." - Everytime a party member does something unkind.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Druidic
  • Infernal
  • Primordial (Ignan)


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