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Mount Sárkán

"If the harsh climate doesn't kill you first, those dragon people surely will!"
-retired mountaineer

a deadly mountain

Mount Sárkán is without a doubt the most dangerous peak of the Grizzly Hills to climb due to its hostile terrain and harsh climate. When travelers and mountaineers started mapping the mountain range centuries ago they dreamt of being the first ones to reach the top. Many have gone up, but few ever return. It is a steep climb up the icy mountain, one wrong step would mean the end, undoubtedly spiraling towards a cold grave. The air is thin and once the cold latches on to your skin the clock is ticking. The wind is deafening, like a roar of an army at the verge of battle and the more you fight it, the deeper you sink away in it. Some have claimed they heard voices in the wind and it seemed as if the mountain itself obeyed.


When an expedition finally reached the top they didn't know what was more terrifying, finding out they were not the first ones to reach the peak or walking right into a menacing clan of dragonborn that had seemingly been living there for centuries. They called themselves Sárkány Aiga. Arriving at the top was as if they had entered another world. The deadly climate had made way for a pleasantly warm breeze over a peaceful meadow. No one knows where this protective barrier came from or who possesses such powers.

Fortunately, after assessing their unexpected visitors didn't pose any danger, the dragonborn allowed the expedition to leave the mountain if they promised to warn people not to attempt to climb it again. The expedition happily obliged and was able to safely descend, escorted by the voices their colleagues had whispered of. The voices of the Sárkány Aiga druids asking the mountain to clear a path. And the mountain obeyed.

this mountain is taken

Little did they know that by warning Aurleen about the dragons would encourage those who thought themselves to be the fiercest of warriors to begin the ascend, looking for these so-called dragon people. When climbing, all would start doubting the tales of the relentless Mount Sárkán, for the air was clear and the wind silent. They would reach the top in no time. That's exactly what the clan of dragonborns was thinking too, sitting, waiting...

Let it be known the Sárkány Aiga rule the mountain. Let it be known the Sárkány Aiga love a challenge.
Mountain / Hill
Location under
Included Organizations


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