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Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong

Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong

As the youngest child of a merged family, Myara is the product of a power-move marriage between the Wizzleracket and Gemsong family businesses (now known as the Wizzleracket-Gemsong cartel) to consolidate their powers. Despite the originally functional nature of their marriage, there turned out to be a very good connection between Strixie and Craggor. As a result, their children grew up in a caring, if a bit strict, home with incredibly strong family ties.   While Myara was given intense education she, like most of her siblings could probably get a cushy office job in the Cartel, an option which might as well not be extended, considering the burning desire they all have to amount to something in their family and be able to provide for each other. Together with her half-sister Vryka Gemsong, who as the second youngest child was in the same position as her of not having their own subsidiary company, they led an expedition into the wilds.  

The Failed expedition

  This expedition however, turned out to be somewhat of a failure. Urged on by Vryka's mentor Thancred Ironhill, they went to the Waghui Jungle in search of one of The Four Great Tools. A collection of items said to be able to reforge one of the Dwarven Regalia.   They managed to find it, but were betrayed by Thancred, who believed the Duergar were closer to the original incarnation of Dwarves and thus better suited to uniting Dwarvenkind. Despite being ambushed by a small army of Duergar, the adventurers that were helping out Myara and Vryka, together with a Duergar clanprince who was similarly betrayed, managed to liberate the Great Tool and kill Thancred while making a daring escape.   Though they made it out, more disasters followed the sisters as the boat they decided to board on the return trip happened to be the Blue Rose...  

Myara's Abilities

  Myara is an Artificer who specialises in piloting a custom-built Shredder variant, named model WG-2B. Shredders are a unique piece of Wizzleracket-Gemsong technology
and are loud, hulking suits of armor used to harvest resources on an unrivaled scale. Myara's version is a bit smaller than the standard Cartel Shredder, but is optimized for more dexterous manipulation of objects and maneuverability.   For instance, instead of the standard issue Shredder-Saw, the WG-2B uses custom tooled retractable steel sawblades that are integrated into a pair of enhanced Servo-powered gauntlets. Though this comes at the cost of raw gathering power, this allows the WG-2B to operate effectively in a variety of common adventuring scenario's   The WG-2B's true value however, lies in it's efficiency. A combination of careful optimisation and Dwarven Runes allows it to operate with little to no wasted energy, moving in accordance to the Pilot's wishes without consuming so much as a single ounce of Blackpowder.   In addition to her Shredder, Myara is also proficient in the usage of Dwarven Runes. While not an expert on their exact magical applications, she can creatively combine them with her inventions to supplement their functionality where normal Artifice would be impractical or otherwise innefficient.  


  T1-N4 (or just Tina for short) is a recent invention of Myara based on the reverse engineering of O-8, a creation of Lucius Arnesto. Tina is a Drone-type Construct, optimised for Stealth & Reconnaissance. What truly sets Tina apart from similar Constructs, despite its shoddy construction due to lack of crafting materials, is that she's completely self-aware and capable of independent thought, sporting mental capabilities similar to the average humanoid.
  She does lack a proper voice module however, prompting Myara to develop a way to convert language into a series of easy to learn two-signal durations. Myara repurposed some basic Artificer tinkering that allows tiny objects to record sounds or emit lights so Tina could communicate with others.   Sadly, Myara's new way of communication hasn't quite catched on yet, as she just recently developed it and is the only one who actually knows the conversion and prosigns, so most everyone else just hears a barrage of frustated Beeps,Boops and lightflashes from poor Tina whenever she tries to speak to them.  



Values & Personality

  To the casual observer, Myara might be seen as a rather excitable young girl. A view that's immediately considered a gross understatement whenever Myara is in proximity to anything resembling useful materials or new/lost technologies and promptly crawling all over it with manic glee. Even while crafting or intensely focused, Myara is constantly letting out yelps of excitement. One would think the only time she's truly quiet is while she sleeps, but even then she has a tendency to mumble in her dreams about the next big breakthrough.   While Myara greatly desires knowledge, it would be a mistake to think that's her endgoal, as she thinks that there's little value in simply 'knowing'. Ultimately, unused knowledge might as well have no worth if you lack the capability or drive to use it. In the end you need materials, manpower and time to utilise knowledge, and no project would ever get done without these cornerstones. In that regard, knowledge differs little from profit to Myara and they might as well be the same thing, for one has little worth without the other.   Myara, like most of the Wizzleracket-Gemsongs cares greatly about her family. Indeed, perhaps much of their drive in growing the Cartel could be attributed to their desire to provide for each other. As an unfortunate result of this, everyone is always out and striving to strike it big, causing each family member to endlessly worry about each other. Luckily, the entire family is incredibly hardy and would never take a defeat lying down, grasping for even the smallest chance of victory so as to not cause grief for their loved ones (you also can't make money when you're dead).

Physical Description

Body Features

Myara is child born between a Goblin and Dwarven parent and she bears traits from both. However, because a green skin tone and big pointy ears aren't exactly common Dwarven-associated traits, people who meet Myara often can't place her second heritage from sight alone. Though Myara takes more after her Goblin mother aestethically, on the inside many of her physical traits are decidedly Dwarven, such as her strong tolerance to poison, good health and general hardiness.   Not much is known about Goblin-Dwarven hybrids, and the few recorded cases there are are inconsistent. The pairing has become every so slightly more common after the Wizzleracket and Gemsong merging however, as many of the Goblins and Dwarves now working together found they have a lot in common and supplement each other well.   Myara has rather wild and unkempt orange hair tied back in a ponytail and a mouth full of sharp, pointy teeth. She's kind of average sized compared to a Goblin, but her proportions still make her feel somewhat short, perhaps due to her Dwarven heritage.


Bezkit Wizzleracket


Towards Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Towards Bezkit Wizzleracket


Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Towards Vryka Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Vryka Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Towards Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Towards Recna Gemsong


Recna Gemsong


Towards Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Towards Kitsie Wizzleracket


Kitsie Wizzleracket


Towards Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong


Lawful Neutral (edging slightly towards good)
Date of Birth
13th of Harvest
Bezkit Wizzleracket (Half-brother)
Recna Gemsong (Half-sister)
Kitsie Wizzleracket (Half-sister)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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