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Wizzleracket-Gemsong Cartel

As part of the union between Strixie Wizzleracket and Craggor Gemsong to merge and strengthen their family businesses, the Wizzleracket-Gemsong cartel was formed. Aside from being a self-sufficient organisation, it also houses some smaller companies under it as part of the Wizzleracket-Gemsong Umbrella.   Modus Operandi:
Though they perform a variety of services, from harvesting/crafting to operating shops and hiring out workers, their main source of income revolves around gathering Hard Resources and Crafting. While they don't shy away from gathering any Monster Scraps or Herbs that cross their paths, they can't provide the massive amounts of them that their Artisans require themselves, and thus they tend to import whatever else they need from outside sources such as Monster Mashers.   They pay for, or scout information about locations with large quantities of resources, such as caves with ore veins or groves with special trees. Resources that are too numerous or difficult/innefficient for adventurers to claim themselves on a large scale.   Once they have a location, they send out an expedition to retrieve these resources as efficiently as possible. The Wizzleracket-Gemsong cartel is known for blast-fishing/mining and the Shredder machines they use for deforestation. Though not the cheapest ways to gather resources, the Cartel favors efficiency above all else, and spending twice as much to gather something at twice the speed is considered a net profit, as it saved on time.   These resources are then brought back to Ysala where they're used for production inside their factory and workshops, or to supply construction projects.  

Subsidiary Companies

  The Wizzleracket-Gemsong Cartel is technically an umbrella company, housing multiple smaller businesses under its banner. Though most of these businesses are so closely interwoven, people generally just speak of the Cartel when dealing with them.   Some of the more notable companies include:   Bezkit's Bruisin', Bounty Huntin' 'n Bodyguardin' (B4 Mercs for short):
The world is a dangerous place, with Bandits, Monsters and Pirates all too happy to attack the Cartel's operations and transports. Bezkit and his B4 Mercs meanwhile are more than happy to beat them up and turn them in for bounties or into Monster Scraps.   Blackstone:
The world was also a dangerous place two decades ago, when Craggor decided to use the surplus Cartel profits to found Blackstone together with Dr. Sundown. Created to be a private army in which they could test their new technologies, Blackstone was lost 15 years ago but has recently re-established contact with the Cartel.   Deepworld Collectors LLC:
The world is full of valuable resources, from ore veins deep in caves to groves of special trees. Whenever an area with plentiful resources is located, Recna and her crew at Deepworld Collectors LLC is sent out with Saw, Drill and Blackpowder to gather them in the most efficient manner possible.   Arc-works Manufacturing:
The world contains countless people, who all desire to posess things. Whether its "good-enough" quality cutlery to over-engineered custom order projects, Kitsie and the Arc-works Factory are more than happy to provide them at blazing fast manufacturing speeds.   Twintails Accounting:
The world is obsessed with the power of Magic and Artifacts, and fools who underestimate the power of numbers and paperwork, according to a certain Cartel owner. Navigating the labyrinths of taxes and tariffs, allocating personell, equipment and resources to projects, making sure the right people get paid the right amount on the right time. Strixie's protégé's Moonlit & Starstruck are considered by her to be the biggest competition-stomping gamechanger since their invention of the Shredder. A recent addition to the Cartel and Strixie's secret weapon, they seek to dominate through sheer logistical superiority.


  The Wizzleracket's trademark tools are called Shredders, towering constructs that can perform a wide variety of functions. The Cartel uses a few specialised models that are all based off an Artifact that was once recovered by the Gemsong's Archeology team. The current day Shredders are a smaller derivative of the original, created by the combined efforts of the Wizzlerackets and Gemsongs just after the merger.   The most common Shredder variant is the WG-2A "Multipurpose Harvesting Device", a blackpowder-powered metal suit that stands 4 meters tall. It is a single-manned vehicle whose power lies in its versatility, as it can be outfitted with a wide selection of tools and equipment for nearly every situation. The most common attachments are the Mark III Racketcraft Sawblades and the G-8 Songsteel Drills for gathering missions, usually combined with at least 1 Servogauntlet for general handling purposes. Many higher ranking Cartel employees are fond of customising their personal Shredders, a practice that is actively encouraged, as it may result in the next new mass-produced upgrade.   The Shredder designs are a well-guarded secret of the Cartel, and the entire production and repair processes are set up in such a way that it requires seperate teams so no single employee knows the full scope of the designs required to create a Shredder.

Notable People

Strixie Wizzleracket-Gemsong - Owner of the Cartel
Recna Gemsong - Owner of Cartel subsidiary "Deepworld Collectors LLC"
Bezkit Wizzleracket - Owner of Cartel subsidiary "B4 Mercs'"
Kitsie Wizzleracket - Owner of Cartel subsidiary "Arc-works Manufacturing"
Moonlit & Starstruck - Owners of Cartel subsidiary "Twintails Accounting"

Additional people of note

Myara Wizzleracket-Gemsong - Adventurer in The Fellowshipwreckers
Vryka Gemsong - Adventurer in Incorporeal Incorporated
Ulzur & Ravarr - Hobgoblin Sisters, transport
Fitz Gerald - Cartel Specialist

Time is money, friend!


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