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Unnac Settlement

The Unnac Settlement is a small settlement deep within the Wagahui Jungle. The settlement is inhabited entirely by a tribe of an interesting subspecies of tortles, namely the Aurleenian Tortle. While the tribe is generally not well-known throughout Korthia, they are quite established in the research/archaeology “community”. The tribe has been working for a long time to research and uncover various Pre-Calamity artefacts in Korthia, making the settlement a location visited often by other archaeologists.
Those who have visited the settlement can generally agree that the tribe is very friendly towards visitors, providing them food, a place to sleep and medical attention if needed. However, whenever they are met with hostility the tortles will furiously defend their turf!   In total around 15 - 20 tortles are living in the settlement, living as pairs/groups in tents. Overall the settlement seems a bit primitive compared to the cities of Korthia, being made of leather, wool and other natural materials. The center is filled by a giant campfire which acts as the tribe's general meeting point. The tents at the top of the settlement (slightly cut-off on the map below) are locations where people work, next to their own tents.
In the top-left corner of the settlement is a distinctly larger tent, with guards in front of it at all times. The entire populace is extremely secretive around what lies within the tent and what work is being done inside by various inhabitants with the role of researcher.    
Tribal Jungle Village by u/grescoave (Reddit)


The Unnac Settlement is inhabited solely by tortles, in this case Aurleenian Tortle specifically. Interestingly, over the span of multiple visits we have been usable to see or hear of any children within the tribe...
  Every inhabitant of the settlement is assigned a role which determines various aspects, but mainly their profession. Some examples of roles within the tribe are as follows:
  • Hunting & Cooking
    As the name suggests, those within this role are tasked with gathering, preparing and distributing food for the whole tribe. This can vary from hunting, fishing to basic farming.
  • Construction
    Tortles with the construction role work to craft items required by other roles, repair tools and buildings and much more.
  • Trading
    The traders within the tribe do not generally travel out into Korthia often, unless they need to get a specific item. Most of their customers can be found inside or close to the settlement, either buying necessities or selling excess stock in order to pay for their purchases.
  • Guarding
    Fortunately the settlement does not see a lot of combat due to its concealed location, however whenever it would come to that the tribe does have a group of guards. These are stationed near the entrances of the encampment, as well as the largest tent inside. At times they also team up with some hunters to take out a dangerous monster roaming nearby.
  • Research
    The researchers of the Unnac tribe can almost always be found inside the main tents of the settlement, but not a lot is known about their exact task. This is due to both their secrecy surrounding the work and the constant posting of guards around the tents.
In certain cases someone is assigned a combination of tasks, such as construction and research, based on their speciality within their profession.


No clear hierarchy or government structure can be found within the settlement. Nobody is higher ranking than someone else and everyone has an equally important role within the tribe.
However, those with the researcher role are very important in deciding the goals of the tribe, and thus quietly seen as guides for the tribe.


Not a lot is known about the early history of the Unnac Settlement, except for its founding relatively soon after the Calamity. Interestingly the settlement seems to have suddenly appeared in 22 AC with some older tortles living in the Wagahui Jungle, despite no earlier records speaking of these distinctively looking tortles now referred to as Aurleenian Tortle due to their similarity to tortles from Aurleen.


The settlement is located deep within the Wagahui Jungle and is thus obscured to those unfamiliar with the existence of the settlement. It is built relatively close to the central mountains and is thus also built against a slight slope on the eastern side. A dense forest of jungle trees can be found all around the establishment, providing some cover as well.

Jungle Village by Rebecca On

Founding Date
22 AC
Alternative Name(s)
The Unnac Tribe
15 - 20
Location under
Characters in Location


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