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Resident healer of the Unnac Settlement

Xua is one of the tortles living in the Unnac Settlement, located within the Wagahui Jungle. She is the resident healer of the tribe, but will also gladly heal anyone else who needs it whether or not they live in the settlement. Xua is a very happy person, and has often cheered up people when they needed it. Perhaps this is due the fact that she is still relatively young, or maybe she is just a naturally cheerful tortle.   Around seven years ago Xua was part of an expedition in order to look for an artifact. Apparently this artifact was of importance to the research being done by Jell and the other tortles of the tribe. However, during the expedition something went horribly wrong and some of the tortles died during the expedition. Unfortunately Xua was was not able to save them, which she still feels guilty about...
While it generally is not something the tribe is eager to talk about, Xua is especially keen to forget about it altogether.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As the resident healer at the Unnac Settlement, Xua is clearly quite familiar in the medical field. Her healing methods can be described as a combination between magic and physical work. From bruises to broken legs, Xua has been able to mend almost anything she has come across in her days.

Apparel & Accessories

Tortles generally do not wear a lot of clothing of armor, but Xua is a bit of an exception to that. While she does not wear clothes like most humanoid would, she does religiously wear white robes with the the crest of a golden sun stitched at the chest.


Contacts & Relations

While Xua's cheerful personality has yielded her close ties with nearly every member of the Unnac Tribe, there are two people who she interacts with most. Those are Khall and Jell. Both tortles have been patched up multiple times by Xua, although for different reasons. She has also been able to provide Jell with some religious insights for his research projects, and helped Khall test some of his experiments (with varying rates of success).

Religious Views

Xua is a follower of Solis, deity of light life and crops. Interestingly enough, she does seem to be part of a very small minority in Korthia. Solis is not a common deity in Korthia, but seems to be more prevalent on another planet called Aurleen. Based on available records it seems an entire island of people is dedicated to this god.
Current Location
Current Residence
Bright green, with horizontal oval irises
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Here comes Xua to save the day again!"

Character Portrait image: Tortle War Cleric by Cathlyn Vania


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