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(a.k.a. Qudo, Ennut, Limi, Yua)

is a Tortle adventurer from Korthia.   Originally hailing from the Wagahui Jungle, he is currently travelling across Korthia with an adventuring group known as The Fellowshipwreckers.   Juazall's story is an interesting one, as he has a long heritage dating back to a legendary adventurer from Aurleen, another world in this universe. Juazall has lived a number of lives, all within a different body and without most of his memories due to a curse:
  • Juazall, legendary adventurer on Aurleen
  • Qudo, being among the first to wash up on the shores of the Wagahui Jungle and build up the Unnac Settlement 
  • Ennut, who was a Paladin devoted to a fey entity called Rlain; they guided Ennut and the rest of the settlement to find out more about their curse
  • Khall, an Artificer and first embodiement of Juazall on Korthia that The Fellowshipwreckers met and grew to love
  • Limi, a defiant (mostly toward Elisabeth VII) Sorcerer
  • Yua, an old Druid who was only with The Fellowshipwreckers for around 14 days
A large part of the story below follows Khall on his adventures with The Fellowshipwreckers, as that is one of the most well-documented parts of his life (unfortunately).  

The Adventurer's Origin

Khall's life is not as well-documented as most adventurers, the main aspects known about his past are that he has lived almost the entirety of his life in the Unnac Settlement and always had a passion for tinkering and crafting.
The Unnac Settlement is quite small and well-hidden within the Wagahui Jungle, and its inhabitants are all tortles.  

Tools of the Trade

Khall seems to be quite proud of his intellectual capabilities, both during his adventures and because of his work as an artificer.
While many may argue that he is reckless in combat, preferring a face-to-face battle over one at a distance, there does seem to be tactical reasoning behind his approach.
Based on accounts from others living in the Unnac Settlement, Khall does seem to have a good eye for detail when working on his crafts. More often than not, Khall could be found experimenting in his workshop, sometimes with better results than others...
Khall's Glove
One piece of equipment on Khall that often catches ones eye is a hide glove on his left hand. This creation of his own houses several gems on the top, each aimed to enhance an area of his magical skills. For instance, whenever Khall shoots out a bolt of fire the red gem on his glove briefly glows very brightly to help channel the magic. However, whenever this gem is rotated 90 degrees it focusses the energy to help Khall engraving runes as part of his magical infusion process.
Previously he also was seen using a writing apparatus similar to a reed, which seemed to have the ability to write instantly to another person within the world. However, this reed was unfortunately lost during the shipwreck of the Blue Rose on Lone-man Isle.   A more recent addition to Khall's arsenal is an artifact named the Odradek. It was bestowed upon him by the Architect Arcane, Dalrey Nomfer and Gond, the god of craft. The Odradek is an incredibly complex looking piece of machinery consisting of a metal framework supported by a variety of pistons and tubes. It is optimized to fit neatly in a Tortle's shell however. Once it has been integrated, the contraption almost seems to come alive as many of the parts move on their own to accommodate the wearer. In practice, it has helped Khall enhance his crafts due to various improvements.  

A (T)rusty Companion

Impression of Rlain
Arguably, one of Khall's better creations is his steel defender named Rlain. This metal creature aids Khall and The Fellowshipwreckers in battle, for instance by flanking enemies in order to gain a tactical advantage.
Appearance-wise Rlain looks to be a construct of fey nature with some "leather" armor and a long sword they use in battle.    

A Traveler's Journal

As mentioned before, Khall has been travelling through Korthia with an adventuring party named The Fellowshipwreckers. The name was quite quickly decided on, seeing how the group managed to be involved in three different shipwrecks in a span of a few days. Since the group was formed they have travelled to quite a lot of places in Korthia already to have their fair share of adventure.

Vampire Slayer

During the Trial of the Elements on Jeb' blep, it was discovered that Lord Nethrazim Paletouch was in fact an evil vampire looking to combine the elemental shards collected by the adventuring parties. Unfortunately he succeeded and managed to summon a set of four massive giants all over Korthia. Khall and The Fellowshipwreckers fought Nethrazim valiantly (with the help of the other adventurers at the festival) and managed to defeat him. However, shortly after Khall fell to the earth and passed away. This was on the 11th of Kings 251, just before his 103rd birthday...   A few days later the party returned Khall's body to Ysala, where they discovered that Khall's curse was actually preventing him from dying definitively. His curse causes him to return in another body on the shores of the Wagahui Jungle, without any of his memories. Close to a week later, the party met the "new" Khall, that being the Tortle sorcerer Limi.          


Compared to most humanoids, Khall is quite an appearance when he walks into Ysala's libraries. A man with a green scaled hide and large shell on his back does tend to grab some attention. Some cloth wraps cover scars on his claws and arms, both from adventuring and his work as a crafter for the Unnac Settlement in the Wagahui Jungle.
While Khall does have some muscled arms, they are mainly from his work and not due to raw physical strength. However he does make this up with his mental strength, as he tends to prefer a tactical approach over a head-on attack.   Tortles generally do not wear a lot of clothing of armor, and Khall is not very different in that regard. His clothing consists of a cloth pair of pants and some cloth wraps around his feet, arms and claws.
You can also see quite some leather straps going around his torso. A craftsman as Khall tends to take a lot of material pouches, tools and such on his adventures. These leather straps act both as a place to store these, but have some other functions as well.  


Even though Khall travels outside of the Unnac Settlement quite often, he does not seem to have a lot of close relations out in the rest of Korthia. His main connections can be found in the tribe, which is almost like one large family. Within this big "family", Khall has the closest ties with Jell and Xua.
Jell is on of the head researchers of the tribe, often acting as the central point of knowledge on their work. Khall has been working together with Jell a lot, both to design new contraptions or do research work in the field.
Travelling to many locations in Korthia, going on what many may consider wild adventures, do cause Khall to be wounded quite often. Accidents happen and combat is sometimes unavoidable... Whenever that happened Khall was always quickly helped by Xua, resident healer of the tribe. While she is "the healer" of the tribe, she does seem to have quite a close bond with Khall. As thanks for her help he has even designed some contraptions to help her with her work, which she is extensively using to this very day.
Date of Birth
14th of Kings
Date of Death
11th of Kings 251; 39th of Kings 251; 21st of Harvest 251
Circumstances of Birth
Washed up on the shore
Circumstances of Death
Battling Lord Nethrazim Paletouch (Khall) ; Battling Silco in the Wastes of Stratos (Limi) ; Sacrificed to defeat Prime Lich Jolxus (Yua)
Place of Death
Current Residence
Bright Blue (left) & Yellow (right)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Primordial and Elvish. Khall also seems to have a knack for deciphering a lot of written languages.


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