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BSG | Event 0044 - Rogue Golem

General Summary

Baron Dual Wielder:
A rogue golem has crossed into our territory over the Ashmedean border. This could be an exciting opportunity!
  King Calimaco Bladesong:
What's so exciting about it?
  Baron Dual Wielder:
Please, my Liege, this is our chance to figure out how this golem-magic works! We could even turn it against Ashmede!
  Archbishop Silverius:

Your Majesty, the Barons of the March would drown their own grandmothers to gain an advantage over Ashmede... or over the Patricians of the Coast and Grandees of the South.

  Golems are an offence to the Ninth God, and they're dangerous. We should destroy it before it gets out of control.
  The Council
Result What should be done with the rogue Ashmedean golem that has crossed over into The March?
Nay Use it as a source of labour.
Nay Add ot to the Marcher army.
Nay Take it apart and figure out its secrets.
Yea Destroy it.
  Baron Dual Wielder:
By the Ninth, this was our only chance to even the playing field between us and Ashmede! You're all fools!

The errant golem is smashed to pieces with hammers. It's for the best, most likely.

Report Date
05 Jun 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: by Vaspyr using Tributary Games - King of the Castle Game Assets