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Ivan VII

Ivan VII was the son of Tsar Constantine II and the Tsar of Russia during The Great War. Ivan had the task of coordinating war efforts on three fronts: in Europe against Ukraine, in the Middle East against Britain, and in China against Japan. He appointed commanders based on merit, while his cousin Nicholas I of Ukraine attempted to command the war effort himself.   Ivan supported an uprising against Nicholas that saw the Tsar of Ukraine abdicate in favor of Michael, his younger brother. Ivan successfully negotitated the end of hostilities and the reabsorption of Ukraine into the Russian Empire. While he forgave Nicholas and Michael for their actions in Ukraine and the war, he also did not trust them and was sometimes harsh to them. He ordered Nicholas into exile deep into Siberia where he was unloved and would not be able to rise against Ivan as Alexander had. As for Michael, he kept him on as an advisor to ease the Ukrainian people back into Russia, but also kept Michael's son, George, as a political prisoner to ensure compliance.   Following the Great War, Ivan faced the challenges of reintegrating Ukraine, which had grown complicit in its independence, as well as competition from the growing German Empire.
1886 1944 58 years old


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