
! For more context you should know what a Tainted is !
This article is expanding on that condition being a different variant.

<We are here to guide you, grandson of my partner.~
You have my pyromancy!>

<And you have my cryomancy, little one.~>

<<Within you we became twinned and combined our gates!
You have the powers of steam at your fingertips.>>

An arcane family reunion.

Twinned Souls, back to protect their Family

There are two ways to become an arcanist, two paths to meet your symbiote to become whole. You either bond with the arcane animals of the wild until deciding to let your arcane partner join you in your very soul, or ... you wake up as a baby to realize you don't have two parents, but four. Twinned have not one, but two symbiotes, with who they share their mind and soul with. But not any spirits, no. The companions of their late grandparents, back again to stay with their family for just a tiny bit longer. To protect their beloved grandchild.

Calculated coldness

Due to how heritage magic works is it sadly quite deterministic and in nobility a common way to keep track of their parents. Who is still living, how many have died? Which spirit is currently waiting in the Veil to return, what combination would be beneficial for their next child? If two grandparents of the future heir have already exhaled their last breath is the possibility for a twinned offspring at 100%. With exactly two gone will even the respective magic of their next offspring not remain a mystery.
Due to the nature of heritage can there be only two twinned arcanists in every generation.
"It is time to finally expand our royal family, my dear husband, to continue the Goship heritage.
My dad and your mother have left us now, leaving us their arcane partners of Fire and Darkness. Our future unborn queen shall be known as the Chaos Queen!"

Queen Aléssla Goship's parents planning out her life

Carrying on a Legacy

Twinned childen often appear as hyperintelligent.
With two mentors at their side, who have gathered experiences worth one lifetime each, they love to share their knowledge andstories they had with the Twinned grandparents.
This is however the final encore of the spiritual partners in the family. Twinned grandparents are unable to give their arcane partner to their grandchildren; all three souls are living their final life.
The more twinned family members are in a family tree, the fewer twinned of later generations will appear.
Chronic, Congenital

Never alone

Being born with two additional voices in their head are twinned quite susepticle to walk a lonely path. Always having two parents in spirit comforting you at every step taken do twinned struggle with social interactions, seeing them as slight overkill. Their distaste for social interactions does cause them to get seen as oddballs, as the spirits act like the partner of a Tainted, unable to talk to the outside world under normal means.
They often remain introverts only thinking their words, communicating with their partners, planning out the next move.

Powerful Possibilities

Heritage magic is strong and adaptable. Unlike the normal table of powers combine the powers of a twinned two gates at the cost of one, giving the arcanist a solid foundation to overstretch from outwards. While normal symbiotic arcanists can only bear up to three open gates before risking an Arcburn, can twinned use their three-folded spirit to have up to six gates simultaneously open.
"Be careful with those twinned mages.
Their abilities are completely unpredictable.
Especially when they show you a glimpse free of charge."

Cover image: by Vertixico


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