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Order of Kumano (koo-mah-no)

With a proud lineage dating back to the Storm Giant founders of Kazanshiro, the Order of Kumano are samurai known for their boldness, humility, and honor who seek to defend Kizudo against any threats.


The Order of Kumano is usually organized into garrisons of different sizes and importances that are similiar to the Clans of Kazanshiro, except that outside of Kazanshiro they merely control outposts not entire regions. The most important garrison is a Castle then a City then a Town then a Fort then a Village.
  Garrison Commander: The leader of a garrison, in charge of all operations and logistics.
  Quartermaster: In charge of all the gear.
  Banneret: A samurai in charge of a group of soldiers, carry a large banner mounted on their back, on a weapon or a mount.
  Smith: Responsible for maintaining the arms and armor of the soldiers.
  Officer: A specialist in charge of a division of specialists such as archers, cavalry or spellcasters.
  Specialist: Particularly trained in a style of combat, such as archers, cavalry or spellcasters.
  Solider: A basic soldier with basic infantry training.


The Order of Kumano believes strongly in honor, fairness and justice. They are committed to being humble, honest, upfront and brave. They're known to be very passionate about the arts, honing their patience and discipline through caligraphy, rock gardens, painting and jewlery.


Bravery: You must stand strong against fear, for what you believe, and against injustice.
Duty: You are a servant of the people and your comrades, you must be humble, disciplined and eager to serve
Honor: You must be honest, straightforward and merciful. Do not use underhanded tactics such as poisons, trickery, cruelty, or traps.

Relationships to Governments

  • Shogunate of Kazanshiro: Friendly but occasionally strained, as the Order takes it as their responsibility to train the next generation of samurai despite anti-war sentiment. They aren't a formal part of the Kazanshiran military, but many members are either currently enlisted or retired and see the Order as a way to make direct impact on their communities without bureacratic red tape from Imperial officials.
  • Council of Isamaru: Neutral but slowly growing fonder. Samurai have a lot of goodwill to earn back but Shogun Hiraku sending a detachment to each House of Isamaru to help them against necromancers and vampires has helped restore their image. Isamarans like them more than mages and respect their sense of honor and pragmatism, even if they find it a bit silly at times.
  • Pearl Pact: They have a friendly relationship, as the Pact invites them to set up outposts, advise their militaries and teach their civilians.
  • Emerald Alliance: Unfriendly, as they find no use for swaggering samurai that train their enemies and don't have much of pragmatic use to them unlike the Circles or Spires.
  • Crane Concord: Polite, but neither have interest in each other.
  • Chamber of Five: The Order has been a staunch supporter of Gorogoro ever since it's founding, with Daigo Cloudcrest being a founding member of both factions.
  • Court of Crows: They have a friendly relationship that is occasionally strained by disagreements about honor, pragmatism and risk.
Major General Tashika “The Avalanche” Uzarova is a legend in the Kazanshiro Military, best known for causing an avalanche with her raucous battlecry and then riding down the rushing wall of debris and snow to engage the enemy head on against overwhelming odds. She is a hobgoblin, 6'2 with red fur and sharp teeth. She generally wears a gray military uniform with numerous medals. She believes the Order should take a more direct approach against the enemies of peace, striking out proactively against bandits, dark spirits and monsters.

Public Agenda

Glory: Seek out great challenges and overcome them so that all will know your power.
Peace: Defend towns from dark spirits, monsters and bandits so all can live safe and orderly lives.


The Arashi Clan can draw it's lineage back to the Time of Myths, the legendary warrior Chishiro and Sakura the Storm Princess, and after the Valley Covenant's victory they became the undisputed rulers of Kazanshiro. Yomiji the Scroll King worked in the early days of the kingdom to set up not only a bureacracy, to run the nation but a unifying identity for the various warriors that had just concluded a war. They became Samurai, honorable and passionate warriors with a distinct uniform and code of conduct. The Order of Kumano was founded by Yomiji's son Kumano in 155 AD, as Yomiji was more of a scholar than a warrior. They opened branches throughout Kazanshiro, training various militias in the way of the warrior so they could defend their homes from monsters. In 247 AD however, the Arashi Clan was ousted by the Kasai Clan and Kumano was slain. The order went underground during the Kasai reign, resurfacing in the Ishi Uprising of 330 AD. They have since worked closely with the Ishi Clan, although some members support a rising Arashi faction.

Be The Lightning

Boros Color alignment (White Red)
Founding Date
155 AD
Military Order
Parent Organization
Associated classes  
  1. Bard
  2. Cleric
  3. Fighter
  4. Guardian
  5. Monk
  6. Paladin
  7. Titan
  8. Warlord

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