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The Clans of Kazanshiro

Seven clans founded by different giants and the Renyu.  

Saru Clan

Founded by the unbowed Renyu, monkeyfolk who were created by O-Saruyama to humble the pride of giants. They mostly live seperate from the rest of Kazanshiro, living simple lives amidst the peaks. They are led by Umeko Saru, a female Renyu Way of the Primordial Monk.

Arashi Clan

Founded by Storm Giants, the Arashi are the mythical founders of Kazanshiro and were the rulers throughout most of it's early history before being violently deposed by the Kasai Clan. They train many of the strongest warriors and take great pride in their traditions. They're led by Rin Arashi, a genderfluid Storm Genasi Tactician.

Kumo Clan

Founded by Cloud Giants, the Kumo have always had their heads in the clouds. They prefer to ponder philosophy, delve into the mysteries of the arcane and seek to understand the nature of existence rather than wage war. They're led by Hikari Kumo, a nonbinary Dwarven Battlesmith.

Kasai Clan

Founded by Fire Giants, the Kasai have had a turbulent history filled with innovation and destruction. Their fierce ambition and creativity drives them to always ask what more can be done, but often they fail to ask if it should be done. As the primary architects of both the Sundering War's most devestating weapons and many important agricultural technology their legacy is contentious at best. They're led by Ayane-9 Kasai, a female Warforged Sunbreaker.

Tokan Clan

Founded by Frost Giants, the Tokan have always sought to surpass their rivals the Kasai but always fell short due to their less bountiful environment. They still have a proud warrior tradition, carrying out an annual Great Hunt that is a great honor to win. They're currently led by Akira Tokan a Nonbinary Human Warchief.

Ishi Clan

Founded by Stone Giants, the Ishi have been flying under the radar for a while before ascending to the seat of Shogun. They had cultivated a tradition of great strength, resilence and wisdom and have mostly ruled Kazanshiro with an even and fair hand in recent years. Their leader and the current Shogun is Shogun Hiraku Ishi, a male Dwarven Sentinel.

Kūfuku Clan

Founded by Hill Giants, the Kufuku are well known for being the breadbasket of Kazanshiro. Traditionally Hill Giants are the least powerful of their giant brethren, known for being slovenly, stupid and slobbering but the Kufuku have managed their potent growth magic and expertise in agriculture into being an economic powerhouse that demands respect. Their current leader is Momoka Kufuku, a female Goliath Alchemist.


Emperor: A direct hotline to the Gods, the Emperor serves as the spiritual representative of Kazanshiro. They have higher authority than the Shogun, but rarely intervene in mortal affairs or even leave the Imperial Palace.
  Shogun: The military and politcal leader of Kazanshiro, responsible for overseeing the destiny of Kazanshiro in both it's domestic and foreign policy
  Daimyo: Leaders of the respective clans, they oversees a region and manage the affairs within
  Mayor: Responsible for a single settlement.


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