
"The Sovereign of All Oceans isn't a god. None of us worship it, none of us who are sane, anyway. But it would be unwise to ply the oceans when out of its favor."   ~Archedler "Glow" Gantor, Edler tasked with the defense of the realm


Aler'Avaczeth is the King of the Seas, a Ferneth of horrifying power. Showing deference and politeness to the Lord of All Waters is an important ritual to stay its terrifying wrath.

Historical Basis

Aler'Avaczeth is a mighty kraken, an engine built for destruction by the Demiurge to face the primordials' titans and to give them hell at sea. Aler'Avaczeth has long since broken free of his creator's control, and took sovereignty over all oceans from its network of Gelrime portals that link back to its pocket demension, Yet'Aviv.


All wupani believe in Aler'Avaczeth without question. It is a comfort before a long voyage to make small sacrifices of coins, fishheads or other scraps. It is a name to curse after misfortune. It is a ear to plead into if a loved ones' ship has not put into port on their scheduled arrival.  


  Aler'Avaczeth has thousands of names. Most are a riff off of the following: Kind of All Oceans, The Sovereign, Allie (to feminize), Czeth (to masculinize), Crusher, Destroyer, Thunderer, or Beast.  


  Aler'Avaczeth is rarely worshiped. Cults dedicated to it are insane horrorshows full of mutation, degradation, depravity, and destruction.

In Art

Pirate and privateer ships will sometimes paint one of the many aspects of Aler'Avaczeth or display them on the figurehead or the ram of their ship. Pirates and privateers will also often name a ship after one of Aler'Avaczeth's many names, though none would dare use its true name.
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