Brain Bulb

"An edible mushroom, tastes like butter and pork fat."   ~How to Forage: a Druid's Cookbook

Basic Information


A fluid filled sack in fertile dirt forms the basis of their root structure. From the infected soil, fruiting bodies sprout and fill out to resemble small, wrinkled gray brains.

Genetics and Reproduction

Brain Bulbs are created from the cysts of the weak members of the Brain Grub brood.

Ecology and Habitats

Brain Bulbs can grow nearly anywhere, so long as the soil is fertile.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Brain bulbs draw nutrients from the soil, and surface thoughts from creatures passing within 60 ft. of them. The results of these feedings are typically unnoticeable, with the worst case being a simple disruption in one's train of thought or forgetting the last location of a small item such as keys or a book.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Ascendant Grey use Brain Bulbs to relay messages and routinely eat them to gain the memories of those passing by.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As much as they can be said to be 'aware' of anything, Brain Bulbs are aware of any thinking creature within 8 miles of them. Psionic creatures are aware of whether or not there is a brain bulb within 8 miles of them, though pinpointing the exact location may be a chore.
Genetic Descendants
30 years
Average Height
4 inches
Average Weight
6 oz
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The bulb itself it typically red or pink, with a white stalk connecting it to white cilia roots and a snot-green fluid fillign the cyst.
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