Brain Grub

"Aren't they um... cute?"

Basic Information


Brain Grubs look like Intellect Devourers, except their bodies are smoother and their legs are simple little nubbins resembling four caterpillar's feet. They lack mouths entirely, and only have two long tentacles that they use to manipulate things in their environment. They are even squishier than their parents, and can fit through nearly any hole.

Growth Rate & Stages

Brain Grubs are birthed from the chest cavity of a victim. While in their egg stage, they drain the intelligence, memory, and emotion from their host. When their host becomes a vegetable, they force their way out, explosively.    When they have devoured enough memories and emotions as larva, they dig into the dirt and form cysts in the ground, which they fill with secreted fluid. The whole brood will slowly eat each other's memories, until there is only the strongest one left. They feed from any passing creature as well, nipping little memories here and there. When there is only one left, it will erupt forth as an Intellect Devourer. The dead chrysalises will sprout as Brain Bulbs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Brain Grubs subsist entirely off of intelligence, memories, and emotions. They need nothing else for nutrition.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Brain Grubs are in constant communication with every member of their brood, so long as they are within 1 mile of each other. When hunting, they spread out in large webs searching for prey. When a suitable target is found, they converge and feed.


While their adult forms are in thrall to Lizefa Vernet, Brain Grubs are usually allowed to exist on their own.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Herds of Brain Grubs are sometimes dropped intentionally into certain areas, less for the Intellect Devourer that one of them will become and more for the Brain Bulb that allows the Ascendant Grey to relay messages.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Brain Grubs use psychic echolocation and can 'see' everything within fifteen feet this way. They communicate with every other grub from their brood within sixty feet.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
6 inches
Average Weight
8 oz
Average Length
8 in
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brain Grubs are usually pink or gray.


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