
"Goonlings make great little servants, if you don't mind the sound they make when they walk. They spook people less than my skeletal butler, which is a bonus."   ~Head Conservator Wrivock, of The White Tower

Basic Information


Goonlings are semi-upright humanoid creatures with hands on all four spindly limbs, a large head, massive eyes, no mouth, and a gray-blue or green skin.

Genetics and Reproduction

Goonlings are crafted by a Biomancer. Their flesh is pulled bodily from The Dreamlands and mixed with clay into an egg. Over the next several hours, they form inside the egg and hatch into a fully grown Goonling.   Alternatively, a more temporary and unstable version can be 'summoned' with the Summon Goon spell.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goonlings feed on Ambient Magic, and will die immediately in a Null Magic area.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Goonlings are made to be servants and scouts for Biomancers.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goonling eyes are usually tar black, and give them excellent night vision. Alternatively, they can bioluminesce to provide a sort of "living lantern light."


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