Religion Osmosis

This system denotes the spread, power and benefits of religions and boils it down into a simplified equation.   Strength of Faith shows the spread and strength of the faithful, as well as the Uninitiated that might be targeted for proselytizing. Faithful generate wealth and influence. Expressed as numbers Lapsed/Performative/Practicing/Devoted/Zealot (0/0/0/0/0)   Proselytizer score shows how many missionaries, faithful, and zealots are present in a settlement. This may be regarded as the religion's "attack stat". Expressed as P   Edifice score shows the number and strength of permanent infrastructure built into a town, from grand cathedrals to secretive shrines to the graves of martyrs. Edifices typically require upkeep, and they can be damaged/defaced after which they will require repairs. This may be regarded as the religion's "defense stat" Expressed as E.   Reputation score shows how the community feels about the religion. A good reputation makes generates Interested and staves off Pogroms, but decays over time. Expressed as R.   Holy Vows alter the faith's interactions with the scores above.   Interfaith Relations refers to terms for other faiths and their adherents.   Different effects are tabulated and have their effect Weekly, Monthly, and Seasonally.   Weekly:   Income from the faithful comes in. Performative give 1 CP each, Practicing give 1 SP each, Devoted give 1 EP each, and Zealots give 1 GP each. Weekly events such as Sermons and Charities contribute to Reputation.   Monthly  Salaries for Proselytizers comes out. 4 SP for each Clerk, 2 GP for each Priest, and 4 GP for each Hierophant. If the weekly contributions fall short of the cost for the salary, the Proselytizer will leave for greener pastures unless specifically convinced somehow to stay. Regardless of this, if they are denied their salary for two out of three months of a season, each is 20% likely to die of deprivation.   Seasonally  Reputation is resolved. Unless otherwise noted by the specific nature of the religion (Ex: splinter sects), all recruiting is done with the Uninitiated first. If several religions are competing for the same pool of Uninitiated, the religion recruits from the Lapsed members of the other religions and sects. The Reputation chart shows how many followers are gained or lost, Proselytizers reduce rival religions' reputations and Edifices prevent the loss of the faithful to other religions. After the costs of the Reputation are tabulated, all leftover reputation is converted to GP at a 1:1 basis, and all leftover income is put towards maintenance of the Edifices. Anything left over may be used to build new Edifices, but most of it is likely going up the chain through the faith hierarchy.


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