

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shuken'naro is slim, on the border of emaciated. The taint of demoniac control is causing her and her grove to waste away with illness.

Apparel & Accessories

Shuken'naro wears a spidersilk dress woven for her by an arachnid spirit in the Feywild

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shuken'naro was codified from a particularly beautiful soul flitting around the Feywild by the Elves that occupied the fork of the Grasping River before the Humans came. She served as guardian, ambassador, and host for elves and fey, and curated the grove on either side of the portal. When the elves left, they worked a spell over her grove that drove her and her satyr consorts into a deep, dreamless slumber. The elves had intended to leave her interred there until such time as they returned, though they had no plans to do so for the foreseeable future.    She remained asleep until the Year 500, when a band of children discovered the sarcophagus grown from the root system of an ancient dragonblood tree. They pried the roots apart, seeking a clubhouse to use as their own, and discovered the dryad as she slowly awoke. Rather than being afraid, they brought the fey being everything she asked for to facilitate her revival; honey, milk, wax from a beehive, mistletoe sprouts, and at her request even stole a small diamond. When she was strong, she took them to the Feywild and showed them wonders that expanded their minds and connected their bloodlines forever to wild magic. When they returned to Cloudgarden, they began to visit her weekly and 'hold court,' a game where they told her about their lives and she gave them advice and gifts in return for their company and outside goods. When they had grown, they brought their own children, and then their grandchildren fulfilled their obligations. Shuken'naro made sure that the six families prospered, aided by magic and the resources from the feywild. They accumulated obligations, too, and she developed them as an outer line of defense for her grove.   The nightmare came when Shuken'naro was suddenly attacked by Jojjxdxxy, a Manitou brought to Kobos by Tsolemun. Puppeteered by Jojjxdxxy, she now directs the descendants of her adherents to commit acts of horror, depravity, and chaos. The most respected family lines of Cloudgarden are being ruined one sin at a time.


Shuken'naro has a harem of satyrs that are entirely devoted to her. When she was taken by Jojjxdxxy, they submitted themselves to be taken, too, after a brief exchange wherein the demon threatened to murder the dryad if they didn't comply.

Failures & Embarrassments

Shuken'naro has a good heart and is horrified at the things that Jojjxdxxy forces her to do and say.

Intellectual Characteristics

Shuken is a Phlegmatic   soul, prone to periods of contemplation in quiet and satisfied with an afternoon of simply lounging on a warm stone and reading the flowers.

Morality & Philosophy

Shuken'naro is a Commonist, going with her own gut for moral guidance.


Prior to her possession, she refused to kill any living creature. She preferred illusions and at worst debilitating curses when forced to defend her home. When she has the capacity to fight back, she does her best to prevent Jojjxdxxy's attempts at murder.

Personality Characteristics


Shuken'naro wants free of Jojjxdxxy's control but sees no method for doing so. She would rather die than remain enthralled.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Shuken'naro is hardly an expert at violence, a fact that both amuses and frustrates Jojjxdxxy

Virtues & Personality perks

Shuken'naro embodies Charity

Vices & Personality flaws

Shuken'naro has a tendency towards Sloth   if left to her own devices.

Wealth & Financial state

When she needs to, Shuken'naro knows where many caches of ill-gotten coins are, a reminder of the times when her grove harbored criminals and thieves. 2d8
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Possessed by Jojjxdxxy and tainting her grove.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Shuken'naro is the Archdruid of Whispering Grove
Year of Birth
400 AoS 1395 Years old
Sapphire Blue
Light Auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, absent the typical nymph tan
Thin, emaciated
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Sylvan
Ruled Locations


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