Tomb of the Scorpion

"The Tomb of the Scorpion may be a myth. It's promises and perils could be allegorical to those by the Archaeologist profession. Even if not, we may never find it. But the search is what is important, and our striving for it."   ~Head Conservator Wrivock, of The White Tower

Purpose / Function

This is the final resting place of the great Grimlock general, the Scorpion. It holds the booty from a thousand campaigns, armies of servants and soldiers were sacrificed to accompany him to the afterlife, and powerful magics and devious traps protect the tomb.


Suc'mor the Griefless took over the tomb, bending it to his will. It now serves his purposes, and as a barracks/storage facility for the Griefless Host.


The Tomb of the Scorpion is carved into the root of the mountain with incredible precision achievable only at the hands of skilled arcanists. There are no seams in the wall, even those that contain secret passages. Every inch of the walls and tunnels are covered in Hyagash detailing the many victories and conquests of the Scorpion.
End of the Age of Myth
Founding Date
Age of Myth
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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