Yithre Tenpiswo (YITHray ten PIZ woh)

"Where are we?"   "Yth re tenpiswo" <We are here>   "Beautiful name for your village."   **Confused lizard noises.**   ~Conversation between explorer Jachembo Careel and his guide Shehhs.


Yithre Tenpiswo is an absolute monarchy, a city-state and the capitol of the burdgeoning kingdom ruled by Xendreg and Nithroel Iarmaris


Unique among the settlements of the Endless Polder, Yithre Tenpiswo has thick stone walls. These walls run deep, and sink about three feet every year. The residents have to add more stones to the top on a somewhat regular basis. These walls were originally to keep predators away from their breeding farms, but the recent war footing of the tribe has given it a more serious imperative.

Industry & Trade

The folk of the city deal in food with the surrounding tribes. Ikna Comemet makes occasional forays into Yithre Tenpiswo to trade for curios and scrimshaw.


The outskirts of the city are almost entirely dedicated to animal husbandry of dinosaurs.

Guilds and Factions

Xendreg has brought in the full Pyramid of Scalykind society, crafting them out of exiles like himself.


Most of the history of Yithre Tenpiswo is shrouded in mystery because the Lizardfolk simply do not care. Reliable internal history therefore begins with the arrival of Xendreg and Nithroel Iarmaris  The god-king and his wife arrived in a storm of blood and savagery. They targeted the shamans and chieftains of the city, slaughtering their way through the most impressive specimens. Only a few refugees escaped. Once they had established their dominance, Xendreg withdrew entirely and Nithroel Iarmaris built a throne for herself.    Six months later, Yuan-Ti arrived disguised as humans. They threw off their guises and began to openly worship Nithroel Iarmaris. With a series of secretive raids, they acquired a base of human slaves to convert into Ophidians, who provided labor to the locals as well as began to erect a pyramid. Their lives becoming markedly easier, this was the final persuasion for the Lizardfolk. They were now a wiling participant in the ambitious war machine of the Lizard King. Ever since, they have been engaging in tribal warfare to bring the other villages to heel, and tehy have yet to win a battle.


All three strata of Lizardfolk settlements are represented in this city; In the canopy, they've built treehouses and grand rope bridges between large buildings. At ground level, sunken-pylon walkways allow buildings both on the shore of the nameless lake at the center of town and built out onto it. Finally, beneath the water, the majority of the citizens live in a wet, slimy cave system.   Since the arrival of Xendreg and Nithroel Iarmaris, the lizardfolk have been building a grand sacrificial pyramid.

Natural Resources

Nearly all of the natural resources of the area are forage; fish, game, and lumber.
Large town
Location under


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