Session Fourteen: The Search for the Black Marlin

General Summary

15th Eleasis, 1495
Harlock is quietly sitting with Silas - who is immaculately dressed - as Stefan arrives in the pub, followed closely by Sikander. They both regale Hobb with tales of their week in Cloudhook and how the Baron of Blood helped deal with the Dust trade, including creating a new "move" wherein he throws Sikander at an enemy and stabs them in the process. Stefan also visited Anastrianna quite a bit, but not enough to be attached to her, of course.
Anya and Tal enter next, and giving hellos from old friends to Sikander and sharing small stories from her visit to her sister Aeminka and their old adventuring friend Count Zefor Dragonsbane as they wandered from Neverwinter Woods down to Phandalin and Axeholm.
Piper comes in shortly afterward, explaining her short trip to Waterdeep and speaking with the Council of Dogs there before returning to Cloudhook and spending time helping the "Bash Brothers".
As Piper is speaking, the door swings open to a storm with Rayne entering the pub. He is dishelveled and bloodied - his own and others - with a solemn look. As they question him, he only shares he had gone looking for Selune on the beach, but had been unable to find her. As he comes in, Silas introduces himself as a colleague, but not fellow member of the Sands of Oban, of Hobb's and well aware of the mission they find themselves on. During the introductions and Rayne's arrival, Stefan wants to show off his new "move", scoops up Silas, and throws him at Rayne, who catches him handily.
They all gather round and begin discussing how best to find Hugert as he has a staff of navigation and chaos that Hobb needs, with Silas quietly displaying his ability to disguise himself. Harlock doesn't know where his father is, only what his hideout looks like - An island in a dark sea that is a strange and magical place. (As their conversation goes on, Silas realizes Sikander is the same one Edvin the Sikkie told him about). Hobb offers compensation for the retrieval of this item, but Silas negotiates it to the higher amount of 5,000gp each.
The conversation shifts to Rayne and Eclipse, his concern the rune as grown darker, which Hobb advises this is Elder magic and when the rune activates it will affect him. Silas asks about the blackness, so Rayne describes the fight, the attempted dispelling gone wrong, and Hobb explains Hugert may have someone who can help should they find him.
Through their visit, the Airman Tarot deck comes up and Hobb describes what it is, how it works, and spends an hour with Anya teaching her what a "Diviner" does. She then draws three cards: 13. Anchor card, 20. The Valiant card  and, horrifyingly, the 50. The God Eaters card - Forbidden Arcana . Hobb, looking at the cards (and wincing at the God Eater card), shares his interpretation: Our boldness in one decision today will allow us to anchor our fate to find that which we seek. (The Great Unknown or Ether or something outside reality)
Ready to return to Cloudhook, they leave the tavern and make their way through town. Kethand greets them asking for help and Sikander hands him a gold coin, promising to deal with the Dust problem. Silas is confused by "dust", but while chatting realizing it is a local flavor of the commoners. Coming to the docks, they run into Percieval preparing to storm the Queen Emeraldas. Concerned, Stefan convinces Adondidas to help run interference while they look for a way to board the pirate ship. Looking around Harlock recognizes a couple shifty guys ahead - Tago Cross and Bosko Breet - loading a small punt. Stefan uses Harlock as a bargaining chip, but "Glasses" as a hostage isn't cutting it, so Silas manages to convince the pair (the amassing Royal Air Force with the assist). Coming alongside the ship, Stefan throws Silas up and over, who lands with a flourish and a bow, followed closely by Sikander landing with a "ta-da" pose. Met with a brief applause, a goliath and several others approach with steel drawn. Hearing this, Anya and Tal blink to their side, while Stefan changes form and flies up, leaving a grumbling Rayne to climb the ladder. Silas smooths the situation over, telling Bombaduc they need to speak with the Captain, then throwing it to Anya (calling her the Ruler of Neverwinter). She does her best to explain their presence and on deck, pointing to Percival and the gathering forces. Bombaduc tells them they may roam the ship, but not to go below deck, while he speaks with Emeraldas.
Anya, Rayne, Silas
Stefan promptly climbs to the poopdeck and notices Adondidas blocking the Royal Navy as promised. He also notices the ballistae on the ship and an undead pirate speaking to the figurehead. He shouts this down to the others, so Anya starts to head that direction, but before she gets far, Rayne stops her and opens up about his week - being unable to find Selune and his lost connection to her, and the lightning in his hands again. She hugs him and after pointing out it is a new moon tonight, suggests they try to find her again once the moon is full again.
Continuing on, with Silas close behind, Anya bumps into Tinker and her hat Taylor, which she is enamored with as the cat face continues to turn and watch the elf. Tinker assures them there is nothing to fear from the Royal Air Force as Old Brisket can handle the talking just fine. She walks off, and the boys take the lead, coming across a foul stenched pirate that knocks Rayne to his back. While they are close to him, a voice speaks in their minds and tells them the poor man is quite mad and that he is not part of the ship. Continuing forward, Anya attempts to speak to the fairy (whose attire is made completely of blades), but only manages to anger her, starting a short fight - Anya swinging her shield at the fairy, Silas firing his crossbow, then as Anya throws up a wall of wind, Rayne puts them all in darkness. Sikander and Tal
Sikander and Tal go below deck, the dwarf managing to find barrels of rum immediately and starts drinking. As he does, there is an old man sobbing from behind a locked door that he learns is the navigator for the ship and not allowed to leave, or else the ship will fall from the sky. He used to have a replacement, but since they died, he is the only one and doesn't get a break. Sikander goes to find Lord Rayne hoping he can help, but in the process finds a dorm room of pirates instead. He convinces them he and Tal are part of the crew and the pirates immediately welcome him in.
Stefan decides to take matters into his own hands and climbs down over the side of the ship, looking a window and heading to the captain's window. He taps, quieting the voices inside. After a moment, a massive hand grabs him, pulling Stefan into the cabin. He tries to tell them the Royal Air Force is getting closer, but it spirals into a brawl between Bombaduc and Stefan, with Bombaduc finally squeezing Stefan's head between his thighs until he is unconcious. Scooping the Dhampir up, Bombaduc and Emeraldas Reijime, The Captain, come out to deck, demanding to know what is happening on her ship.
The Party explains what happened, why they are there, and where they need to leave, but the Captain insists she will need more to be persuaded.
Silas hears the disembodied voice, and in their quick conversation, "Sense" shares some clues to persuade Emeraldas and invites Silas to come to the deck at a certain time to be able to speak with them. Armed with information, Silas tells the Harlock to play along and proceeds to persuade the Captain to help us locate Hugert, to return his son and hopefully gain his assistance in other matters. She knows the place he usually emerges from a ghost portal at a place in the Triangle and is willing to take the party there.
A loud slam as the hatch flies open allowing several pirates and a certain dwarf to climb out. Sikander appears wearing only his boxers, wrapped in a purple silk sari around his waist, and a tri-corner pirate hat, with "Yar" and "Avast" chalked onto the side, and his weapons at his side. They all are excited and he has clearly been accepted as one of the crew.
Amid the chaos, a warning from the top mast tells the captain the navy is regrouping and spinning up the Defiant to give chase. She gives the order to sail for the Triangle, advising the group they were expected to help. Stefan tries to stand with Bombaduc, who knocks him to the deck. Silas takes off after Rayne, while Anya stops long enough to sober Sikander up and send him back for his clothes. She then takes up a spot to keep watch, readying her bow to either shoot or cast magic. Sikander reemerges now dressed as a cannonball hits the ship from the Defiant, sending him back down the hatch. Stefan is also sent flying, with Anya anchoring him with her spectral rope and Silas running to pull him back up. Rayne sends an ice storm at the Defiant and manages to damage the ship's hull.

Missions/Quests Completed

No missions completed - we all survived our downtime, some more scathed than others

Character(s) interacted with

Hobb Emeraldas Bombaduc Fairy Taylor and Taylor Stinky Pirate "Sense" Zombie pirate Ship Navigator locked below Adondidas Percy Tago Cross and Bosko Breet


Anya has "divined" once and studied with Hobb for one hour
Result of that divination was: "Our boldness in one decision today will allow us to anchor our fate and find that which we seek." (relating to the Great Unknown or something outside our reality)
Report Date
14 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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