Agpumoida Puusor Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Agpumoida Puusor

Terua Agpumoida Puusor, The Eighth Awatcova of Fupet

The formidible Agpumoida Puusor is the currently ruling Awatcova of Fupet. She is a strong and capable leader who prioritizes peace and order.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While still the Younger of Fupet, Agpumoida served in, then led several expeditions into the Cumbu Mountains on long-range patrols to ensure no enemies were advancing on the Principality. Though she is a skilled warrior and an adept commander, she eschews war and conflict, making her perfect to rule from Iccim, a city that is somewhat of a melting pot of varios politcal families.

She ascended to the title of Awatcova on the death of her father in 1420 LE.

Intellectual Characteristics

Agpumoida is thoughtful and cautious. She will not fail to act when necessary, but she does not do so precipitously. Once she decides on a course of action, however, she is decisive and authoritative, displaying a natural leadership.

She is fiercely loyal to her political allies and personal friends, as she has a deep sense of honor and duty.

Morality & Philosophy

Agpumoida believes it her responsibility to see to the prosperity of the people who live under her authority. She sees wars and political conflicts as counterproductive to that end, so she actively works to build bridges and dialogue between people.


Avatcovum from 1422 LE until present.

Wealth & Financial state

Income of around 300,000 per year.
Current Status
Ruling Fupet
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Awatcova of Fupet
Date of Birth
2nd of Bans
Year of Birth
1380 LE 49 Years old
Current Residence
Awatcovum's Apartments in the Fortress of Fupet
Faded auburn, mostly gray
5' 9"
165 lbs
Provimius and Bermedicus
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Agpumoida speaks Rock Gnomish and Calpian.