Fortress of Fupet Building / Landmark in Kornax | World Anvil

Fortress of Fupet

The Fortress of Fupet stands on an artificial hill that rises sixty-five feet above the river valley below it. It is surrounded by a wall another twenty-two feet in height with a single drawbridge-style gatehouse that opens onto The Causeway, a stonework road leading down to the city below.

Within the Fortress, there is a stable/barn for the mounts and beasts supporting the household of the Awatcovum, the Co-Temple of Bermedicus and Provimus, the Apartments of the Awatcovum, and the High Bastion.

During daylight hours, the gate is open, and those who can demonstrate legitimate business (usually worship at the co-temple), are allowed to enter.

The Co-Temple of Bermedicus and Provimus

This grand structure is relatively new. Originally, there was a smaller temple dedicated only to Bermedicus, but Teruus Dolasbamus tore down all but the back wall and erected a larger temple beginning in 1376 LE. The construction was completed in 1386. In 1410 LE, the Younger of Fupet, Terua Agpumoida (who has since become the Awatcova), ordered an expansion of the temple which completed in 1416 LE. Upon the completion of the renovations, she had the space re-consecrated, but no to both Bermedicus and Provimus, her personal patron.

The temple is open to worshippers of both gods. Services for Bermedicus are held outside the city, but offerings and counseling are available at the from Ganuvus Etcogilisur and his staff of priests. Services for Provimus occur daily at the second hour, sixth hour, and ninth hour, lasting for about fourty minutes, each. There are currently thirty-eight full priests of Provimus, with sixteen more in study. Ganuvus oversees a staff of fourty-two priests of Bermedicus.

The Apartments of the Awatcovum

The four-story fortified palace known as the "Apartments of the Awatcovum" is the official residence of Awatcovum Fupet. It also serves as the center of government for both the City of Iccim and the Tebouwa of Fupet. Finally, there are a number of guest suites and a Great Hall for official audiences and entertaining of guests and dignitaries. In all, there are eight bedrooms for the ruling family and their close guests on the top floor; eight full guest suites on the third floor; bureaucratic offices on the second floor; and a kitchen, Great Hall, formal reception room, informal reception room, and guest quarters on the first floor.

The High Bastion

The High Bastion is a massive circular toweron the western corner of the Fortress. It is the strongest point of the city's defenses. In its basement there is a dungeon, interrogation chamber, and oubliette. The first floor is dedicated to offices. The second floor is private prison cells. The third floor is a well-stocked armory. The fourth and fifth floors have beds and gear for additional defenders, should the need arise. The top of the imposing tower is ringed with a parapet from which defenders can shoot down into the city below.

Founding Date
1212 LE
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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