Chehnsu, the Platinum Paladin
Chehnsu, sometimes called Divine Chehnsu, is the ruling deity of the Realm of Ultima in Ethos.
Divine Domains
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Chehnsu's material manifestation towers over other creatures. In form, he is a massive, four-legged, winged dragon. His shimmering platinum scales refract light into an array of spectral colors. His form ripples with barely contained power, bestowing upon him a presence that intimidates even other dragons. His onyx eyes see through excuse, machination, and dissimilitude to understand the why of every action one takes, so that his pronouncements are always just.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Chehsu was born of the affair between the Eldest Titan and the Grandmother of Woe. Sometime during the primordial history, he became the ruler of the Realm of Ultima in Ethos. During the Ascendancy of Dragons, the Sovereign Supreme appointed him as Magistrate of Justice.
In the Fall of Dragons, the Platinum Paladin fought on the side of the Sovereign Supreme against his clutch-mate Rogiq. When their combined strikes fell upon Asgorn and he was called, it was Chehnsu who managed to lead a tiny remnant of Ethereal Dragons in retreat from the battle at Amastra. They dwell with him in Ultima, regaining their strength and vitality.
Gender Identity
Mental Trauma
The death of his clutch-mates Efrang and Hanzhou, along with whatever it was that happened to Asgorn have wounded Chehnsu's spirit. He is prone to moments of grief and melancholy.
Intellectual Characteristics
Chehnsu values justice, nothing else is more paramount to him. Every thought, every bit of his formidable will is centered on it.
Morality & Philosophy
What is right is paramount, next most important is what is permitted.
Relationship Reasoning
Rëq was originally one of the Viceroys of Kornax, dwelling in Khanzhemi. Shortly before the fall of dragons, she and Chehnsu met in person and developed a mutual affection. They mated on Kornax, the consequence of which was the birth of Toos, a draconic demigod.
Since the Fall of Dragons, both have retreated from the Material Sphere. Chehnsu dwells in Ultima and Rëq lives in Ether. From time to time, they meet and tryst, and their unions release joy and justice into the Spheres.